

Funny Ninja
Episode 1 continues

Five weeks later in the restaurant kitchen, Master was fast asleep at night when the three ninja plan on how to escape.

Blue Ninja: Let grab this opportunity and escape.
Yellow Ninja: cool

The three ninja successfully managed to get out of the kitchen on there way out of the restaurant Walemond switch on the light and the guards arrest the three ninja.
Walemond: You guys are trying to escape right?
Blue Ninja: You bastard, you kept us in this mess for five weeks when we are about to get out of it you put us back. Why are you tormenting us?
Walemond: I am here to pay the dept but since you guys seems smart I will only pay for your master and the three of you will have to wait some more days maybe years.
Blue Ninja: Are you?
Bouncer: Enough. Go and pay to the manager I will bring the other guy.
Walemond: alright.

From the kitchen the bouncer scream out loud from the kitchen.

© Walemond Notion