

A Day in Life
Hoping for a clue. There was a big fireworks launcher which a guy was reloading for the next performance possibly, an old couple asking for a place where they could sit peacefully and also view the stage at the same time and a man staring at her. For a second she thought he was just a random guy but then her instincts settled in, she moved further back towards the stage, they had caught on her. How do I find her? Suddenly everyone started applauding, someone had finished their performance. She looked at the crowd, then at the stage. There was only one way.

The car pulled right at the gates, Phil got out and ran towards the crowd, he was looking all around the place for her, there was a huge crowd gathered, all cheering and applauding as a contestant went off the stage, the host was back on announcing the name of the other contestant. Phil called his guy.

“Where the hell are you?”

“I’m backstage, I saw her here moments ago and now she is gone”

“What? Where did she go?”

“I don’t know, there is no way out here, she can’t escape, where the hell did she—“

Phil wasn’t listening to the phone anymore, he was looking at Ariel. She stood in the middle of the stage with a mike in her hand.

“I see her” he said into the phone and disconnected the call.

Ariel looked at the crowd, her heart racing.

“I’ve always led a normal life.” She spoke into the mike. There was silence. “I always thought that I was an ordinary person just like everyone else but turns out that’s not the case. I want to confess something. I am a spy.”

Her tone was serene. There was a gasp from the crowd. She could see a guy approaching her, making his way through. All eyes were upon her.

“I am a spy, because I look into other people’s lives all the time, I stalk them, I glance over their shoulder and I get information out of them and then, then I compare them with what I have got. That’s how I live, that’s what determines the standard of my living, if I’m happy or not, if I’m rich or poor. Everything depends on who I compare myself to. Then I realized, we all are spies, because we all do that. We’re slowly heading towards a time where people will not have a personal entity; they will be but a mere comparison of someone’s life. She paused, there was pin-drop silence, everyone was captivated, so captivated that no one noticed the firework launcher changing position. “My one day” Ariel continued “is living a day as myself. Not caring about what others have done or will do, not caring what they have or possess, I want a day where I just get to be myself. I wanna stop being a spy, just for one day I want to be an ordinary girl—”. That’s when she saw Felicity. Her heart stopped. Everyone started applauding. Phil was right in front of the stage now; she could see the gun in his hand and the hunger in his eyes, in the distance Felicity held up three fingers and counted down—Three, Two, One.

She barely had the time to duck under the podium, the firework was at an angle, when it launched, the shot went bashing straight into the pipes that were holding the tent followed by a sharp deafening sound as the speakers screeched and then there was an explosion. The tent had caught fire, there was smoke all around. Ariel could barely make out the stage anymore but she got up and ran to the right as fast as her senses were allowing her to. She jumped down the stage and grabbed the fence adjacent and started climbing, people were shouting and coughing, nothing was visible or audible. She jumped down the other side and ran to where she had seen Felicity last, crossing the road, she hurtled into the darkness.

The police vans and the ambulance arrived shortly after. Nothing came up about Phil or his men. The fest had no winner because the event was disrupted. It was rumored that someone later that night had set fire to Ariel’s house; most of it burnt down before the fire engines could help. As far as the people of the town were concerned, Ariel was never seen or heard of again.


© G_write$_