

Story Of Our Bad Guy
If you here think I am a mad scientist or a gang member type of bad guy, then maybe you are not in the right place. Am that kind of bad guy who fills your day with irritation, in simpler words am your daily dose of irritation.

Am that guy who uses the public toilet and never flushes, I don't know why? Maybe leaving a little surprise for the next user. I am the one who fights on the signal so I can cause big traffic behind me and all your fellow office workers get late and get scolded by your boss; Believe me, that's the best feeling for me in the world.

I also steal your food from the common office fridge even if you leave a note saying "Don't Touch! ____ Food" I just pretend I didn't read it and take it, anyway; for like all your life, you work there. I play loud music at parties, especially at night, cause you know how will I get that feeling if I didn't spoil your entire night and the next morning.

Am the boss's favorite pet and your friend, and don't you worry I am here to tell every mistake you make in your personal and professional life. So, that the boss gives your promotion to me, and if not me then to someone else causes if am not getting then why should you?

I was also your class monitor and teacher's pet and used to scribble your name on the blackboard regardless of you were talking or not, it's just because you didn't share the last cookie in your tiffin box with me and I have the power to misuse against you.

And at the end I would say, don't think I will leave you soon, I will be there in the old people group who will bitch about your grandchildren. I will be the member of your church to scold your children for little things and make you feel embarrassed and maybe I would seek to satisfy my feeling to irritate even at your funeral cause why not?
© Allen George