

I was tiny, knew nothing about me . Playing was the theme.I could not see any difference between me and my friends, to me, everybody was equal.
Tom and Maggie were my close friends.Even our parents recognized our friendship.Not at anytime you would find us apart, not unless we were asleep and forgot to hold each other's hand.
We used to play all day long because it was all we cherished.I was only five year old girl.
Offcourse meals was part of the play, and therefore growing up was mandatory .Life continued but we had no idea that we were escaping the childhood.
At ten, referring to age, things begun to change.My decimal pointed breasts increased in size, I started seeing hair growth under my armpit.Still I had no idea, as playing was the norm.
One day mama saw me bath outside then she was like 'you are now a big girl ,from tomorrow onwards go bath in the bathroom'.I didn't know why she had to tell me all that, everything was normal to me since even my friend Maggie had the same changes on her body.
As we were playing some day,Tom beat my grape like breast.It was painful ,that day I cried all night.I hated him for the act.Mama told me that I ought to be careful now that I am growing up.
A year later, Tom started keeping silence.He was breaking his voice ,he reduced the amount of words he used to say,we could laugh at him and he could chase us.Life started boring since the childish minds were converted into thinking and reasonable minds every day we woke up.Playing up and down was minimal , responsibilities arose when our parents could give us some house chores to do .I was not happy at all .
At fourteen, something happened ,it was terrifying.Oh my!Was surprised to the maximum.Afraid of myself.Nobody knew , it was all me and me alone.Guess what?! It was a red stain on my dress, I was in school, for once I became shy, not courageous enough to walk out of class as usual.I only trusted Maggie, she saw why I behaved so, she gave an idea of tying round my sweater on my waist so as to cover the mess .
Slowly we walked outside the classroom and towards the fence, we escaped within a moment and out we were.We hurriedly ran home and luckily we found mama in the house.She taught me all about being a big girl and why all that had to happen.
Escape from childhood indeed came in unexpected time...............I became an adult!!!!

© @faith.writer254