

The chase
Ever really thought about the things you chase? Its money for a few, for some it's love, happiness, power, fame and the list goes on and on. And how many of you have actually sat down and thought about the roots of these things you run after? Of what it actually boils down to? Let's say for Instance if you're reaching out for fame, what does it bring you? You inevitably end up at happiness in the end, it's the same for most of you, you'd finally end up at something similar and simple. But is it really required? To go through so much pain and misery to find something that's easily achievable.
You crave for happiness? Climb a tree, a mountain, go watch a sunset, play by the river, watch the clouds, kick a ball. The complex paths we choose, to get us to a place which often comes with an easy pavement, also comes with a price tag stuck to it as well. And the currency you end up making those payments in are eventually gonna cost you a big chunk of your life. So stay simple, stay rooted, open those eyes, foresee the truth and smile not with your lips but with your heart wide open.