


(Endless Support)

"Meet a new day, sweetheart💖! I will fill your day with my unconditional love, burning passion, hours of laughter, and endless happiness!!! You wouldn't believe me if I had told you that you made me who I am today. I have achieved all I want to, and I am grateful to you for making it possible. I love you and your being in my life. Happy 5th month of togetherness," Seza read, rubbing her eyes. It was quite cute to get a text in bed itself. It made her day.
Seza thought that time had passed like a flick of lights; it was only yesterday when Artav approached his feelings, and today it's their 5th month of a relationship. With a happy heart and a smile on her face, she woke up from bed.It was 5 am in the morning. Seza had to go to coaching classes early as their exams were coming nearer. Her coaching class was from 6 am to 8 am. All her friends had joined already. It was a little distance from her house, so early morning it was difficult to get a cab, so she used to take a walk.
Seza was so happy that morning because of the text. She left for the coaching classes; clear road, peaceful sounds of birds, fresh air, bright morning, and full of joy humming the song, she was walking on the road. She took out her phone to call Artav, dialed his name, but then she stopped, thinking that he might be driving. She was a little away from her house, walking on the road, scrolling through Facebook. Suddenly, she heard a horn blowing continuously. She stopped and turned to the side where the horn was blowing; it was a white car similar to Artav's, but then she thought it might not be Artav because he would not come that way, and he never brought his car to the coaching classes due to poor parking facilities. She continued walking; she was alone on the silent road. As she walked again, the horn was blown. She was feeling scared; every cell inside her body was shivering. She increased her speed, didn't even manage to turn back. She dialed Artav; he received her call, and with panic, she said, "Where are you? I am so scared." "I could see you, stop worrying and be calm and stay where you are," said Artav and disconnected the call.
Seza couldn't figure out what he was saying. A car came nearby and stopped beside her; it was Artav. She went to him and pinched him, saying, "Early in the morning, you scared me." He shouted in pain, saying, "I didn't scare you; instead, I was blowing the horn continuously, but you started running as if I was a pervert." "You should have called me," said Seza. Seza got into the car and asked him, "Why did you come here? Any work?" Artav replied, "Yes, the most important work."
Seza asked, "What is that important early morning?"
Artav answered, "You" (he pulled her cheeks).
Seza said, "Leave it; it's hurting. What are you saying? I didn't get you."
Artav explained, "Actually, I sent you a text early morning; you didn't even wish me back, so I thought you would be busy, so I came to have a glance." He started laughing.
Seza replied, "No, I was planning to reply directly, but you gave me a surprise instead."
They both started laughing. After the coaching classes were over, Artav dropped Seza at her house. Within a short time, they needed to dress up and go to school. It was so difficult for them to manage coaching classes and school together, but they did it and had become used to it. In school as well, they had to stay 2 hours extra after school for some extra classes. From 5 am to 6 pm, "You should have called me," said Seza. Seza got into the car and asked him, "Why did you come here? Any work?" Artav replied, "Yes, the most important work." Seza asked, "What is that important early morning?" Artav answered, "You" (he pulled her cheeks). Seza said, "Leave it; it's hurting. What are you saying? I didn't get you." Artav explained, "Actually, I sent you a text early morning; you didn't even wish me back, so I thought you would be busy, so I came to have a glance." He started laughing. Seza replied, "No, I was planning to reply directly, but you gave me a surprise instead." They both started laughing. After the coaching classes were over, Artav dropped Seza at her house. Within a short time, they needed to dress up and go to school. It was so difficult for them to manage coaching and school , In school they had to stay 2 hours extra after school for some extra classes. From 5 am to 6 pm,
Days passed by, everything was as usual. Seza left for her coaching classes a bit early that morning because Artav had forced her to come. She was wondering why he asked her to come early. She was just near her house when Artav came towards her and asked her to get inside his car quickly. She got inside, he started his car, and they went quickly. It was full speed, so Seza scolded him to slow down, and he did. He took her to a newly constructed road near their school and stopped there. Seza was still unknown about why he took her there. She poked him and asked, "What's the matter?" He looked at her, smiled, and then asked her to come near him. Seza denied, but he asked her again, saying, "Seza, don't worry, I'm not going to do anything. I just want to teach you driving, that's it." Seza looked at him surprisingly; she had never thought that someone was going to give her a driving class. She was so happy and enthusiastic. Artav started teaching her, but they didn't have much time as they needed to attend their coaching class, so they could only manage to give 30 minutes a day for teaching and learning to drive. But it was okay for Seza. After 30 minutes of practicing for the first day, Seza started gaining interest in driving more than riding. Artav even promised that after teaching driving, he would teach her riding too. Now she was more enthusiastic. She hugged Artav and thanked him; meanwhile, he pulled her cheeks and said, "If you thank me again, I'm not going to teach you." Seza smiled and said, "I love you."
Artav's birthday was coming near, and Seza was worried about how to make it special. She was thinking about it when her phone vibrated. She took it out from her pocket; it was Artav's call, so she answered, "Hello, Aatu (name given by Seza), what's up?"
Artav replied, "Hello, listen, are you free or not?" Seza responded, "Yes, I am free. Any work?"
Artav said, "So get ready, I am coming. do it fast."
Seza asked, "What? Where are we going?"
Artav replied, "Just be ready, I am coming within 15 minutes. I'll pick you up."
Artav disconnected the call.
Seza, as usual, was surprised and curious. She hurriedly went to change her dress and asked for permission from her mother. Her mom never denied her to go with Artav. Seza could hear the horn; she peeped from the window, and it was Artav. She shouted that she is coming and went down. Seza's mother saw them from the balcony; Artav saw her and greeted her by joining his hands. Seza's mom asked them, "By the way, where are you both going?"
Seza replied, "Don't know, Mom! He just asked me to get ready; maybe it's a surprise."
Artav looked at Seza, then her mom, and smiled, saying nothing.
They both got inside the cab, and Seza waved to her mom.
Seza's mom said, "Bye, come soon."
They went. Seza asked Artav about his sudden plan. He said that he just wanted to do shopping, so he took Seza along with him to choose a outfit for him.
Seza laughed and said, "How can I choose for you? Maybe you won't like my choice."
Artav replied, "I don't care; I just want you to choose it for me. I know you have a better choice." Seza started blushing and felt herself very lucky once again. After parking the car, they both went inside the mall. Seza knew his choices and likes; he always preferred to wear clothes from "Allen Solly." So, she went with him and asked him to choose by himself first, and later she would finalize whether it suits him. He agreed and started picking. Seza asked him to try it once, and she finalized that it was suitable. They did a lot of shopping within a short time. Unlike Seza, Artav was not clumsy and a shopaholic; she never took a long time for shopping. Artav really appreciated her choice for him. They still had a lot of time, so they decided to go for a drive. They packed food and beverages and went for a drive towards the valley. They spent the whole day together, talking about their dreams and bucket lists, enjoying and loving. Dusk fell, and they planned to go back home.

The day before Artav's birthday,

Seza hadn't planned anything because their weekly tests were going on, so it was quite difficult to plan. That night, she set the alarm for 12 am so that she could wish him first and make him happy. She slept, depending on the alarm. She realized her phone was vibrating, she managed to grab her phone, and checked the time; it was 3 am in the morning. She woke up immediately, checked the time again; it was 3 am. She hadn't heard her alarm at 12; she had slept so deeply. She regretted sleeping depending on the alarm. She called Artav and wished him a happy birthday, apologizing for not being the first person to wish. Artav could feel the pain in her words, so just to make her happy, he said that she was the first one to wish. Seza was happy to hear, but she didn't know that he was lying for her happiness. As usual, they met early in the morning for coaching as well as driving class. Seza hugged him as she met him and wished him again. She was disappointed for not making his birthday a special one. She was sad, but Artav was consoling her, saying that "You are special for me; you yourself are the biggest gift. What do I need more? You are with me; your love, support, and care are with me. That is enough and worth more than a special day. Those special days, those gifts are all formalities. Understood." He kissed her forehead. Seza was okay with his words, but deep down, her heart was not ready to agree. After the coaching class that day, Seza told Artav that she had some work to do, so she didn't want him to drop her home; she was directly going to her cousin's home (which was nearly to the coaching class). Artav told her to take care, and he left. Seza just made an excuse so that she could buy a gift for him. Seza, along with Arshana and Parav, went to a bakery and ordered a cake and some stuff. Seza took Arshana to the gift parlor and bought a gift for Artav. Seza couldn't give a big surprise, but she managed to make it a special one.

to be continued