

Sad Story Becomes A Love Story
I woke up in the morning. I was extra happy today. I took my clothes, went to the bathroom. I was taking a shower and was screaming “I love you, I love you” not aware if anyone outside was hearing me. I got well-dressed, hairs combed and a high fragrance of perfume coming from me came out, I knew I was looking hot and sexy.

I hurried out saying to my mom in joy that I will be back soon. Actually I was going to my cousin Lindsey's house. I took a cab and let them drive me in a very happy mood and I reached her house. I knocked the door. My aunt was there, I said good morning to her, asked for Lindsey and went to her room. As I entered the room she said “wow! What a nice perfume”. I said thanks and sat down in a serious mood. She asked me what the matter was. I said that I wanted to discuss a very important matter with her. She said that I could. Then I showed her I and Jake's chat and she was just as surprised as I am.

Jake: listen carefully and think hard and give me the answer

Me: ok just tell don’t make me go curious

Jake: I love u

Me: what!!!!!!

Jake: what's what

Me: what you said?

Jake: I love u

Me: ….

Jake: give the answer ok let me make it easy say yes or if you want to say no give me a reason for it.

Me: (after thinking a couple of seconds) no, because u already have affairs

Jake: yeah but they all are fake and this is real and I have never said I love u to anyone of them

Me: yes

At that moment I screamed yes! And left. Came out, took my mobile out of my pocket, sat in the car and started to message Daniel:

"Dude he proposed and i said yes this is my best day”

Daniel , now you guys must be thinking from where did this new character came. Actually frankly speaking this guy has a big role in this story. Daniel, my best friend. I used to tell him everything. When first time I fell in love with Jake I told him, even when he was going to propose to me i told him, I was watching the complete situation from a side.
I found a chance I just spoke up I will marry him. And there was a silent for a moment everybody staring at me. My father just asked me are you sure and my answer was obviously yes. He just left on me to decide. I had nothing to say and went inside my room. My mother came behind me . Jake even wanted to come inside the room with me but my father stopped him from entering , telling him to let me think if I really wanted the wedding since marriage was a life time commitment.

After a long time My mother came out and called Jake's mother in. They had a long talk and then Jake's mother said that I agreed. Everybody was happy again. I was asked that if I could handle Lindsey. I agreed and after that everything was fine.

A big ceremony of mine and Jake's wedding was held. And that day I learned whatever you want will be yours but the thing is that you have to wait…..

We lived happily ever after and THE SAD LOVE STORY became THE LOVE STORY

This is just my imagination please don't copy..

The end…

© Zamsi