

In Me...
When we miss our way in life, we have missed our focus in life. Life itself is full of many activities all in the name of seeking to better our lives, we aspire for greater things, we express our thoughts with friends, teachers and most often our family members who look up to us for a better tomorrow. After sitting, standing, talking, meditating and acting, we end up finding out that we had it all wrong. Great inspirational speakers, philosophers and psychologist and even the troubles of life teach us about life every day, yet we never seem to get the point. Most often, we have a different and divergent view about issues and concepts in life .our thoughts at times becomes conflicting with a number of values upheld by society. Because failure is met with at all levels of our endeavors and we can face or measure up to those who demand from us a certain level of achievement, we disperse and wonder why we should attempt anything all the way when all efforts end up crashing. Some irrational minds tend to wonder for and attribute blame to those whom their thoughts can get hold of. Some victims of this blame are the missionaries,(for those who have a history beclouded mind),family members and our forefathers get the greatest hit of the nail. The search for an answer to our problems leads careless minds graduate from one prophet, church, “gamble man”. You only chase shadows. Why look far when the solution is right here.it is right there in you. Really what is the point when you are your own problem in life? A little more effort will change the situation. Believe in yourself.
© Son of Calasanz