

"No one's coming for you." wisphered the voices.

Shivering without being cold and sweating without the heat, she stood there feeling nothing but numb, when she felt a presence, so soft, she melted in its embrace. Shuddering with relief, blossoms of hope shaped in her warm heart. Looking up she found the Breeze, smiling down at her in a way that spoke of secrets and stories. Making her ebony curls swirl around a heart shaped face with the wind at his hands, he said " You are the storm they'll fear, the gale they crave, the breath they need. You are the very air the world has to offer. Come with me, for I'll show you the blue, below and above. For that's where an unrestricted You belongs." Cuddling one another they took flight, above the ground, over the waters into the clouds. To a place where the breeze is another form of air, where they were one and the same.
© Duba