

spirit of a woman
The cry was faint but I heard loud and clear it as I walked past the dark bushes. My steps faltered. It was late and I wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to stop and inspect the source.
So, i started walking towards the dark bushes..
I was scared.. i was shivering with fear but still that sound was attracting me..
So i decided to go and inspect the source..
where the sound is coming from..
I was moving in the aisle of bushes I was walking among the bushes As I was getting closer, the voice was getting louder and the beating was increasing when I reached that voice. I saw that there was nothing but darkness everywhere.
As I was scared alot, I decided to get back to my car and go home..So i started running towards my car.. I was panting..so i stood inclined to the car and gasped for breath..
After five minutes I accelerated the car.
I switched on the radio and started listening songs..just to calm down..
After 200 mts driving
I saw a woman.. A woman wearing with long hair.. wearing a white saree
standing at the side of the road
gesturing for lift..
At first thought, i decided to stop the car.. but suddenly i thought it'd not be a good idea to give her lift..
So i didn't stop my car and I passed in front of her..
I took a deep breath ..
Just after a minute while i was driving calmly
I saw that same woman is running away with the car....
And she kept running away with the car until I reached to the nearby police station ...
I was freaked by that horror imcidence..
I stopped my car at the police station..
And i explained the whole scenario to them...I was so scared..
I couldn't believe my eyes..
That i just a ghost running away with my car..
Then the police told me that there is a spirit of a woman who asks for the lift..
If someone refuses her proposal
then she starts running away with his car.....

© AnOn Y MOuS