

Man: An umbrella in scorching heat

This article is dedicated to all the hardworking men of our society.  I believe nowadays we overlook their efforts, so to grab the reader’s attention towards this topic I am writing.

 First I would like to thank male members of my family and friends for their efforts to provide us a good life and make us feel secure. 

Thanks a lot!

One day I was just sitting and pondering how much effort men of our society put in to provide their family a good life. As it is said ‘A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination,and hardwork’. I think if we have a dream life, it is due to them. They are just like a bridge between us and a good life.

Generally, women are considered to be Goddess of sacrifice (I agree with that too), but there are a lot of men in our society who sacrifice their desires for their family happily. I can say this because I have seen my father, husband, brothers prioritizing us over themselves. They spent their hard-earned money on us without any hesitation.

Whether they like their job or not they have to work as they are considered to be a ‘sole bread earner of the family’.

There are times when they face issues like financial, emotional, but they don’t bother us. They keep it to themselves. Is it not commendable?

 I feel safe and protected when I travel with male members of my family. I am sure most of you will agree with me.
Isn’t it? It does not mean that we can’t travel alone, but then we have to be extra cautious. But when we travel with male members of our family we feel much secure. It is a sense of security and protection which they provide us because we know that if any issue will be there they will handle it without bothering us?

Can we imagine our lives without our fathers, husbands, brothers? I know this thought also, petrifies us. This fear is proof of their importance in our lives.

Men of the society are just like ‘an umbrella in the scorching heat of summer’, who protects and shields his family from this evil world.

Being a part of patriarchy still, men face criticism. Society never fails to judge and disparage them. This is a bitter truth. If a man does not earn up to the expectation of society, or if his earning is meager he is looked down upon.

If he loves his wife and helps her in household chores, he is termed as ‘henpecked’ or ‘joru ka ghulam’, if he does not  he is termed as ‘heartless’.

His situation worsens after marriage. If he try to keep a balance between his newlywed wife and family, still he is criticized by both sides.He hear taunts from his wife as well as family.

I am highlighting these issues just to make the point that men of our society also face problems like woman ( amount of issues definitely varies) but they handle it beautifully, and we should acknowledge it.

As without a base, the pillar of high rise buildings can’t stand. Likewise, a family gets shattered without a responsible man. It is he who supports his family in every adversity of life, rock stirringly.

Man and women are ‘two wheels of a cart’ ,both of them have their responsibilities and challenges.

A house becomes a beautiful home when both the wheels (man and women) of cart work in synchronization with each other and when they acknowledge each other’s efforts.

So let’s start appreciating each other rather than pulling each other down.

Note: This is my opinion according to my experience. opinion and experiences may vary.


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