

♨️ Hot Springs ♨️

I parked my horse outside the onsen walls. And walked inside. I took off my helmet and put it to the side. I reached in my side pocket beneath my samurai armor and grabbed a sack full of coins. Just one for tonight sir. The front counter man simply bowed and his hand went out open palm. I looked to where it was pointing too and there was a curtain with steam coming out of it. I walked over and peeled back the curtains. There was the most beautiful natural hot spring I've seen in Japan. I went to a corner and took off my armor one by one and folded everything nicely. Before taking my pants off I took out a handkerchief of loose tobacco and also my kiseru zutsu carrying case. which had my kiseru smoking pipe in it. After putting my sword down I walked over to the springs and sat in the hot water that caressed every aching muscle. I began to take long drags off my pipe letting the smoke expand in my lunges then blow out all my stress. After a while I was wrapping up and went to the table and chair where my armor was. As I was drying off. 4 men came in the springs too. They were very loud and disrespectful to begin with. Their armor was white and had gold trim. A very high class samurai in my eyes. They were all Prince's and they knew they had it all. As they cannon balled into the hot springs, cussing and making dark humor jokes. The waitress came out to give complimentary drinks. They cat called at her, whistling and taunting her with kiss sounds. One man grabbed her arm and started forcing her to the water. As she was screaming and his arm was wide open from yanking her. A blade came between them and cut the man's arm off like butter. The grip was let go and the waitress fell over looking at the arm on the other side of the grass and blood all over her. She started screaming and ran inside to the front desk. The other guys in the water looked and were in shock, at what they just saw. The first 2 heads were poked out of the water and the 3rd was a little above the water. Like stepping stones I jumped on their heads one by one till I got to the 3rd guy in the water, cocked my sword back like a bat and then cut his head off. I looked back and the other men ran off. As I looked at the decapitated body. I took a towel and wiped my sword off. The pure crystal blue water now tainted with dark redness. I went and talked to management and they heard the whole situation and thanked me for what I have done. As it should be, protecting women and children is and will forever be the code of honor.
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