

Welcome to Chechnya - 2020 (Documentary)
After watching this heart wrenching documentary my mind became foggy and clouded which makes indurate to pen down my thoughts.
This critically acclaimed Documentary is directed by David France with the help of Activists who risk their lives to confront Russian leader 'Ramzan kadyrov' and his government-directed campaign to detain, torture and execute "LGBTQ🌈 Chechens.
Two terrified boys are forced out of a car by members of a gang who taunt them with the question: “Were you kissing?” A paving stone is dropped on to the head of a lesbian by one of her relatives. A man’s screaming is captured as he is raped. These “trophy videos” are the hardest thing to watch in this documentary.
How Religion and so-called Holy book can make people blind and kill their own folks in the name of an imaginary God. The leader of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, is waging a ‘blood-cleansing operation’ to eliminate all LGBT people with the help of Putin. Just imagine when your own people or country disown you and makes your life hell. Where you can run, how long you can hide, whom you can seek help when all the doors are closed either you should hang yourselves or you'll be killed by these Religion eating monsters. Gosh that's the scariest thing I ever watched.
France decided to make his film after reading a New Yorker article that described the heroic young activists of Russia’s LGBT network, who smuggle gay Chechens out of the state and into safe houses in Moscow or St Petersburg, then supervise their journeys out of Russia to claim asylum.
The documentary contains dramatic footage, captured on iPhones and GoPro cameras, of gay Chechens known to the authorities making it past border guards and police to a fragile kind of safety.
France’s biggest challenge was preserving his subjects’ anonymity. Homosexuality is stigmatised so much in Chechnya that families are actually pressured by the security forces to murder their gay members in “honour killings”
You cannot watch this documentary without tearing your eyes. Yes, things are bad in india as well for LGBTQ community hence, there are laws to protect them but chechyans life is not protected by any laws cause, people believe in a imaginary book and follow that blindly. Things has to change...