

The Hospital

The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. As I turn to look back, I hear the footsteps getting closer to me. I felt terrified that I can't think straight. Suddenly, the foosteps came to a halt. I don't know what to do. I tried to sneak a peak, but I can't find anything there. All I can see is a pitch black corridor, with nothing else. I tried asking myself, "Where are those footsteps now? As I calm down, I try to find the light switch, to see if there's really someone who's following me. When I finally find the switch and turn it on, as the corridor brightens, all I can see is nothing. There's nothing here! My heart beats faster and faster as I felt hysterical. Suddenly, I felt a chill runing down my spine, then a hand, from who knows where, taps my shoulder. I can't move, all I felt is that my body seems cold. I can't even turn around to look around. As I'm thinking of what to do next, I suddenly hear a voice coming from behind saying……

#HorrorStories #thriller