

Chapter - 3 ( novel )

Gerald: What do you mean by 'i found them' ?

John : You were not able to read her mind that means she is one of them.

Gerald : But she was looking like a normal human. I didn't felt anything wrong to her.

John : Maybe she wasn't aware of her powers. Maybe her parents didn't told her about this to protect her.

Thomas : we need to kidnap them tonight. I have been waiting so long for this day .

John : No!! they have powers we need a proper planning . First we need to know everything about them.

Thomas: Gerald had you talked to that girl ?

Gerald : A little bit why?

Thomas : You have to find that girl and be friends with her to get all the information we need.

Gerald : i'll do everything to break this curse.

[ In the hotel ]

So my sister and I are sharing the same room. My parents should have given us separate rooms because she is very talktative and I want peace.

" what are u thinking bella?" rebekah said

" Nothin" i said

" Are you thinking about him?" rebekah said

" thinking about whom ?" I said

" About that boy who flirted with you at the restaurant yesterday" rebekah said

" He hadn't flirted with me. And I never think about boys" I said

" okay okay i was just kidding little sister" rebekah said

I was lying i do think about boys sometimes and the restaurant boy was handsome. But I shouldn't think about him. He was just a stranger with whom I talked for a second.

"Hey girls what are you doing" Peter said

" Dad where were you?? We are getting bore here. We are on a trip dad remember??" Rebekah said

" yes yes just get ready we are going on the beach ok" Peter said

So here we are at the beach. It is beautiful but it is also crowded and all I need in my life is peace. Rebekah is busy taking selfies. and wait where did my parent go . I don't know what am I supposed to do here.

" hello miss did you forget me" Gerald said

" No I actually remember you. You are the restaurant guy. Your name was....." I said

" Gerald. My name is Gerald" He said

" So Gerald what are you doing here" I said

" Just came here to enjoy the view " Gerald said

" oh I thought you were following me" I said

"Well I don't mind following you" Gerald said

" Look I need to go. My sister is there waiting for me" I said

" she's busy in clicking selfies" Gerald said

" Goodbye Gerald" I said

Oh my god I met him again. Did he just flirt with me . I should have talked to him nicely.

[ Back to my sister]

" let's go bells " Rebekah said

" where" I said

" Club " Rebekah said

" I can't go there . you know that I don't like crowded places" I said

" you need to have fun bella. You are a teenager start enjoying your life." Rebekah said

" okay okay stop the lecture" I said

" now come with me " Rebekah said

I don't know how I agreed to go at a club with her. Maybe she was right I should start having fun.

[ In the club ]

Oh god people are so drunk here. I should probably leave.

" where are you going Bella" Rebekah said

" I should go back to the hotel. I am not feeling right here" I said

" oh god Bella you are a teenager start having fun. Loosen up yourself and have a drink with me" Rebekah said

" Fine but after 15 minutes you'll let me go " I said

" Okay okay now drink it" Rebekah said

" I shouldn't " I said

After forcing me so much I almost drank 5 shots of vodka and now everything seems so blury to me. And my sister is dancing somewhere. I don't even know where she is. All I feel right now is that I wanna dance and have fun like my sister.

Gerald : woah woah!! Are you ok Bella? you should probably go home.

Bella: I am okay. I wanna get drunk and have fun . Now what are you doing here?

Gerald : Now don't think that I followed you here OK. I am here with my friends . And just came to talk to you because I saw you here

Bella : okay ...come on dance with me.

Gerald: you are much more fun when you are drunk.

[ Both dancing closely]

Bella: My head is spinning.

Gerald: do you wanna go to the bathroom?

I puked on his shirt and blacked out.

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