

And so I wait
how does the abuser become the abused?
how come I get stalked, harassed and threatened but yet I am the abuser?
I try and try to make it more comfortable for us all.
I try to make all the fighting stop,
but negotiations with the real abuser gets overlooked.
I beg the courts and I beg the Garda to help me.
But because I didn't live with the abuser or be in any sort of relation with them, then they can't do anything.
So instead I sit and wait.
I wait for the abuser to finally unleash the last blow on me.
I hide behind doors, in fear and tormented.
I can't leave because if I do it will happen again.
I've become so little and lost so much of myself I no longer know who I am.
But I will wait,
and wait,
because they won't do anything,
I will wait for my final blow.
I won't be able to say goodbye to those I love.
I won't be able to express my love to others.
because I know it will be soon I'll just wait
and wait for the real abuser to finish me.
but they will not be known as the abuser.
they are too smart.
they will be known as the one who was abused.
even though I hide in fear and they parade around happily.
so please tell me.
How does the abuser become the abused?
© Kirst-PowPow