

"Captive of the Soul"

A Spiritual Book.


I feel terrible not being able to find a job. Its easy to get beer and drugs but not a job. Why do things work that way? Why is a good heart clouded by such a busy, evil mind. How can sex, drugs and alcohol become priority for a 60 year old man that loves his family? Why can we not see the pain we cause them? We see the frustration and anger, but the pain they feel does not register with us. And as deep and dark as this is, it does not reflect in my heart! My conscience is not seared because it bothers me terribly.

Why then can I not do right by those I love? It makes me so depressed!

*Romans 7:15

[15]For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.

Chapter One

"How Can We Become Captives of Our Own Soul"?

It seems as though we are prisoners of our own soul. For some reasoning beyond man, if the soul cannot maintain some sort of a clean spirit, it becomes captor of our hearts.
And though we feel remorse and sadness at the condition our relations are with loved ones, we live with guilt and pain far too much. I will try from deep within to write in the area of pain caused by a captured heart. It may not be a plyable answer but hopefully there will be a "forging of the key"in my attempts at putting into words how so many feel, yet cannot say it with any words.!

Chapter Two...

Soul and Spirit"are "Justified and Sanctified"

We must become, by the Soul, Justified, or made innocent; by the Spirit, Sanctified, or be made pure; and by Jesus Christ , are we Glorified, or Magnified to the Father. When sin interupts this perpetuation of God, the Soul becomes the binder, or hinderance, of Life in general. So that you understand; makes it more difficult with the aid of your heart, or conscience, to continue in willfull sin against your Creator.
You reach a point in your life where you ask yourself, "How much longer can this go on"?At that instant you place yourself in darkness away from the light. However, you also summons your spirit to fight for you...for we know not what we do...?

Romans 7:15
[15]For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.
The Spirit of God cries out to you first that, through prayer and supplication your Father may hear! As long as you are flesh, you will sin. But, Christ makes it so that you will not commt willful sin. In this state you can be Justified; and when you are Justified, you will stop accidental, or incidental sin; then God can Glorify you and set you apart!
The whole purpose of your soul is to bear witness to the Law of God. If it weren't for the Law, sin could not live in you. But sin takes occasion to the Law.

Romans 7:18

[18]For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. Ever heard the term "Break These Chains"? The man from Gadera, or Decapolis(which means 10 cities) Rome, Italy, had a legion of demons in him ( around 4,500) and Jesus sent them over the cliff with the pigs and broke the chain ( or, yoke,) from him. This man was in the Catacombs,(grave yard) cutting himself with sharp rocks.( He was in Soul-Captivity), or depression.

Chapter Three...

Bound by Comprehension"

When we become bound by the soul and there is no comprehension by the mind, while we are in such darkness, there is great despair. However, when you have the milk of the Spirit, (are familiar with your Bible, or Gods Word), the Spirit can revive in you the needed comprehension to be a "prodical son," so-to-speak! In other words, you have light at the end of the tunnel and it's not a train! God spoke to you in your mother's womb.
That initial contact gave you enough familiarity with holiness to reach down and find a reason to not give up. But, the strongholds of the mind are a rebar in the cement; or, added hinderance to your depression.
* " 2 Corinthians 10:5
[5]Casting down imaginations,(or strongholds) and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.*
Your mind is a representative of your person. Everything you learned as a child reflects in your adulthood; even superstitions you were taught!
A person cannot be superstitous without some encounter with black magic or witchcraft; whether by direct contact, or heresay! That's one reason God warned us of the tongue:. *James 3:5-6
[5]Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!
[6]And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.
James 3:7
[7]For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind:
James 3:7-8
[8]But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.*is
We think of strangers as: that, "I don't know what" ; and "where ever they're from". because we do not know them. And the reason we can think those things with no real repercussions, we aren't making it manifest! But, when we speak on it, we make it manifest either in negative form, or positive form. Negative being the perpetual curse; and Positive being a blessing. How does that work?
God made us in His Image!
*Genesis 1:26
[26]And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.*
The shear power of God being fractionally in us and makes us Mini-Gods, a perpetual power, however minute, that causes, still, another effect. And that effect that had a cause, was cause for what becomes of its' future, and so on. Now, God, not being any effect of anything else, because He always has been, always is, and always will be, "The Great I Am" , and the Soul Proprietor of things to come. And being as such, cannot, in His Perpetual state, be the cause of anything evil, or sinful! What exudes from Him is an Agape Love for all His Creation. He doesn't make a choice to have it that way, that's just the way it is. That's Who He Is! Everything after that is cause for a different effect with no real end! It's called infinity! Eternal! No product of time or space.
All through God's Word, when time is mentioned, it is a mark for history. (And history doesn't repeat itself, it rhymes). To be able to have a reference to go back to, for some important reason. Why not forget it? The same reason God didn't leave man uninspired to write His History, His Lawrt, His Poetry, His Stories of Redemption, His Songs, His Proverbs and most importantly, His Prophecies! Time is mentioned in proper perspectives: "That time", "This Time", "Alloted Time" "Former Time", "Second Time", "AnotherTime ", etc.
What does all this have to do with the soul? Very inncidentally, everything!

Chapter Four...
"Redeemed of the Spirit"

There is an old wise tale: "Never give up on anything"! Well, Never give up on yourself! The reason being because of your Spiritual worth. Not monetary worth but worth to the Kingdom of God. Noone knows what happened between God and Lucifer, but I can gaurantee you this :. Our infamous "Morning Star" as God called Him, was foolish enough to place himself above that which created him! But, whatever hapened, caused Lucifer and his followers to have their wings clipped and were cast out of God'si Kingdom to rule here on Earth.
Earth means Planet with substance. God sent Satan to a planet with substance to torment those deserving, and to rule! God gave him his own Kingdom; the punishment was Loss of God's favor; loss of Eternal Life in Heaven; loss of being God's General; and I could go on and on!
The thing that relates this to the soul is the battle! To strive over something is to "want to gain!" To battle over something is to "need to win!" To "want" is to covet, or please self. To "need" is to care for self for future goals, not just care for self! There is purpose in that! When you are depressed you are "hungover" on self! And to treat your "hangover*, you must have some of the same! Your resevoire has run dry because your soul thirsts for righteousness. That's the seed that God planted in you in your Mother's womb!

John 12:24

[24]Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.
[25]He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.
Once God is replenished in your heart, the soul can rest as your Captor, which is abnormal for it anyway. Your Soul is a part of God who gave it! Father, Son and Holy Spirit....Mind, Will and Emotion...Soul, Spirit, and Person! Who you are and who you become reflect on God until perpetual law justifies it.
And always remember that it's only through your soul that God speaks to you! So, cleanse your soul often. The way to do that is go to the Father in prayer and supplication and ask Him to replenish your soul! This is in line with His will!

Chapter Five...
"Evil Amongst Evil"

In mathematics If you subtract a negative number, the two negatives combine to make a positive. To explain this further would be to have a math class. So, instead we'll have a Bible Class and use this fact of mathematics as a precursor.
My B.A. in Systematic Theology did not come from a cheatsheet. Trust me when I say, "When you study absolute truth it's like your mind never even thinks about ways to cheat. And it shows you how to arrive at a place with God that will allow you more comfort in this life! Being a person who doesn't go to church regularly, or tithe, or open doors for little old ladies doesn't necessarily mean you are an evil person...it just means you are not saved of Jesus Christ, yet! When Adam listened to his wife's request and sinned he did not sin against himself, against God, or against his wife.. he did all three. Take someone you would deem as Evil: That person does drugs so he/she is Evil...but,in God's eyes they are lost. If they cannot be found they are predominately evil, which means their flesh. When God made the "Law of Moses" , or the Ten Commandments, he perpetuated a Universal Law that governs any one body of persons and separates them by their choices. So now you have 2 bodies of people, good and evil. These 2 bodies of people had a choice on which to follow. Take one of the evil side and place he/she in Satans domain before Jesus comes back and you are in judgement of that soul. Just because he/she runs in an evil lot doesn't mean that they will remain there if given more of God's love and kindness; or His judgement and wrath, wherever that person sits with God in accordance to his knowing! A better way to explain is to say a drug addict walks with evil people and talks with evil people and sups
with evil people. The thing that makes he/she evil in the end is their own heart! Until the day of judgement, a person is anything but evil in Gods eyes because He is relentlessly in pursuit of your soul until that day come!

Chapter Six
"A Son's Return"

When all's well again and the soul has been redeemed, there is sunshine instead of rain; light instead of darkness; hope instead of despair; and life instead of death! And all the Angels of Heaven sing with joy!
When God made man in His Image, they were blessed immediately. And this is, in its state, perpetual! Now we look to the problems of life caused by the fall of Adam and Eve. When God told Adam, you will toil the ground with the labor of your hands, He set in motion a "perpetual law" of blood, sweat and tears as reward for mans' labor all day. There again is a form of the Trinity.
When Jesus sweat blood in the Garden of Gethsemane His body was atoning for the shock caused by the knowing of what was to come and what He was going through at the time. See the resemblance! It is a perpetual state of law! He even put Himself through it, after all Jesus was God-come-as-a-man!
So you see how His Holiness draws a line for Himself! Being the awesome, powerful God He is, even He could not undo what He set in motion!
Now, while we are at this point of absoluteness, let me show you how perpetual laws work. Surely you are familiar with "Apologetics"? Apologetics is a study in the Defense of One's Faith. You had John Calvin, A. W. Tozer, Butler, Athanasius, Constantine, St Augustine, and many other philosophers like Plato and Saucratese who would by reasoning of thought and mind of the Spirit of God, come to what is known as Absolute Truth. In the Bible, because it is inspired by God, to-witt, and written by men God inspired, there are three elements that naturally took seat therein:
(Here we have another form of theTrinity...
Father, Son and Holy Spirit), though the three elements that governed God's Word were *Noncontradiction, *Causality and *Reason. So Law, Poetry, Songs, History, Governments, Judges and Kings, His Paradymes (or Blueprints) for the Tabernacle, Paradyme for the establishment of the 7 Churches),( I.e.) the 7 Candleticks in the Holies), New Law, instituted by "The Great Commission", Instruction of Hiararchy amongst church members, Revelation of John , and the Gospel of Jesus Christ with all the Epistles, (or letters to the church by Paul) who used to persecute the churches as Saul, that held God's word and Man's interpretation of God's word in check. The first law of interpretation was that it be in context, verse-by-verse, with that of the story-line!
*First we have "The Law of Noncontradiction" which states that "A " cannot and will not be both (A )and (non-A) in the same relationship, thus (+A-A). In mathematics (A)+(B) = (AB); however, the Law of Mathematics , though governed by Absolute Truth, is relative and not subjective! (A) cannot and will not be both (A) and non-A (or another way of looking at it is: A man cannot be married and unmarried in the same relationship!
*Second is "The Law of Causality" which states that After God every thing that is, is an effect of the previous cause. The Athanasius Creed of 467ad states this: "God is not created of any, not begotten of any, exists "in and of" Himself and has always been , Is, and always will be! Jesus Christ is not created, but begotten of the father, and born of man from the womb of a virgin; The Holy Spirit is neither begotten nor created, and is the Spirit of the One True God"!
Within this creed lies the Law of Causality, or Everything has a cause and effect except for God who is Eternal and Infinite!
Third is "The Law of Reason" which states any combination of argument cannot be justified as truth without reason. There must be reason by being or it is unsubstanciated, or not true.
When The Prodigal Son came to his senses or reasoning, causality, and noncontradiction.
In God's word is: Noncontradiction... anything that can be proven to be true and therefore, does not go against itself.
Paradox...Something that seems like a contradiction but can later be proven to be true.
Myth...Only God can answer that, or has knowledge thereof. It is neither contradiction nor paradox, but mystery and God reserves that for a greater understanding . Mistery has an office as drawing learning minds into curiosity and intrigue, thus establishing a continuing education, or a thirst for study.
"If the answer lies within you, look no further...if the question lies elsewhere, how shall the truth be known there"?

Ken Knight.

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