

what expires you? –EXPECTATIONS
It is Truely said, "The more u expects, the more u expires your happiness ".Happiness is sometimes looked as a very broad subject to start but strangely it actually lies within yourself. The hunt for a rich life is totally desirable but to discard the exsisting small small happiness lieing near ur vicinity at the cost of it is always a bad idea. It is wise to do ur assigned work and ur own choosen responsibilies by giving ur hundred one percent and leave the rest from the god's side. Worrying about the things that aren't in ur hands has always been a foolish decision.It leads to unnecessary stress and mental fatigue.Instead,just do ur jobs and cherish the beautiful moment as these moments with ur friends and family are actually very much short-lived.And there's one thing for sure-If you did ur hardwork to the fullest and were faithful towards it, you will get ur so called"expected "results automatically! In short don't expect,just do it!
"Live the life you have while creating the life of ur dream"😃