

A different turn (PART 3)


What do u expect from me , I'm a freaking kid!! (Mentally). I was clueless and just stood there , staring at the note!

Unexpectedly , I felt a hand on my shoulder! I gave a shriek and jumped

"Calm down you scaredy cat!! Are you alright!??!" ,said Nora

" Yeah I'm good , you guys go ahead I think I'll go back to my room and have rest!! I don't feel well!

"Yeah that's a good plan! Call me if you need anything , I'll get you some food!" , She said and kissed on my forehead!

For a moment it felt like she was my mom.

Nora can get very comforting sometimes . She always knew what to do when! ( Except for clothing , That she was horrible at)

I walked back to my room tryna make possible sense out of what I read!

That note  , that note wasn't for me , right! I mean , I'm not the ONLY
Janiena in the world right!?!.......RIGHt???!?!!

Gosh what have I gotten myself into!!


It was quite chilly outside , a cold evening , and I didn't have my jacket with me! I was almost Shivering so I rushed to the mansion and made my way to the room. I opened the door ! It took a while cause the key somehow got stuck inside the hole! ( Joan would have made a sexual joke on that right away!!!! Bratt head)

I walked in humming the song that was on my mind all day , put the keys on the table and looked at my bed!!

I FROZE......



Is that.....!

I didn't move , I didn't breath , I just stood there!

Shocked to see what was in front of my eyes!

Jane....Jane was lying on my bed!



I thought of calling the police and the hotel staff right away , But ended up calling Jane's mom!

,"Aunty.....Aunty , Jane's dead!!!!! Jane.....Jane , she.....she's dead!!"

I tore out to tears as I saw her body bathed in blood and her cheeks torn off! I could see the flesh of her body till her bones! Her mout had blood and her hands were filled with mud and blood , her body just lay on my bed as I threw myself over her and burst into tears!!

The phone was on my ears , but I didn't hear anything!!"

"Aunty , aunty are you there!!!! Hello !?! Can you hear me??!! "

I waited for a minute and then heard , Jane's dad enter the room gasped and shouting ,"Lindsyyy , are you alright ,lindsyy!!!!"

He took the phone and said hello!! I told him! He burst into a tears and started crying! I couldn't hear that!!!

Jane had died!

Jane , my love , my sister ,my best friend , my mom!! The joy of every party and my closest sister , was now no more!!!

She had died , a terrible death , but I was pouring my eyes out and didn't think of anything but the thought of my dear Jane!!!!

I got up from the bed and washed my tears , about to go and call the police!!

But something caught the edge of my eye and I looked , a note , a similar one.

I picked it up , it lay beside her body , "I had warned you , in advance
                                                                   but you were way to slow pumpkin
                                                                   Make sure next time , you save her!"


© HennaG