

Love and Heartbreak
Nobody ever knows what awaits you in the long run. We break up and fall again, some people even live happily ever after but that's just life. The truth is god has his plans for all of us , we just need to have faith, be patient and wise .
Who could tell that you could fall in love so young . Who could tell that love would still be so strong after years of distance and no communication.
But then that love still has doubts of succeeding .
I'm 13 years of age , I'm basically still a child . I'm just a regular young girl going to high school but then I ended up falling in love. He was smart, handsome, intelligent and most of all chocolate. He knew what he wanted in life , his goals , aims and surprisingly me. I was young but what the hell I still gave my first relationship a shot. So my 8th grade turned out to be all abt young love.

It was valentine's day and there was a celebration at school. He had a girlfriend that was younger that him. Her gift to him was a song.. The silly girl couldn't even sing . She went up introduces herself and her lover which was him. And she started to sing ,it wasn't the best but at least she did something. His friends started to cheer him on but he was so embarrassed that he went to hide. The whole time he was trying to get my attention in some cases .
Days after that we met again mainly because of our friends...
The first time I actually realized he had deep feelings for me was when he wrote my name on his hands . It was cute , then and there I realized we were totally in love.
He would try to get me to come school early so he could spend time with me. Giving me that bright smile as I walk towards him . Hugging me every second of the little time we had each morning. The bell rang when it was time for class but he never wanted to let me go. I remembered he use to walk me half way home because then my house was just a walking distance from school . I had my bestfriend as a girl at that time . She was always by my side. The three of us would walk home daily , us arms in arms , smiling ,talking and the end of each walk would be that special kiss. The kiss that tells you everything and shuts the world out of existence. The first time he said I love you was honestly unexplainable. Over the days , weeks and months our routine would continue.
It was the last day of the school term , so basically the schools going on break which we called summer . The day wasn't the best because we had a little disagreement. Little do I know what was coming . I went home and I went home to something, something I never thought could have happen in my little world . I had to move away to live with my dad, then and there my world shattered. If I had known I would have spent my last moments to the fullest , honestly.
I stopped breathing for a moment and the first thing that came to my mind was him , the love of my life. I cried that night because I knew this would change things , I knew it would tear us apart. I did eventually told him , i couldn't even look in his eyes and the sound of his voice was literally pain. We spent the last day together feeling sad and happy.
I moved that summer and every night I spent crying knowing I wanted to hold him ,see him like I use to and believe me it hurts.
Well time passed by and sadly that Christmas my family got robbed and my phone got taken away along with other things . I lost contact with him , no calls and no texts. That made our situation worst. Days , weeks, months passed by without hearing a word from him. How did I feel? Honestly i tried my best to stay strong. Then my doubts were here. The voices in my head saying hes gone and doesn't remember about me . I still believed in him thou 💯. But then when he founded me again on social media. I was so happy and I felt my life coming back again. I had no luck of seeing him because of school. And sadly things started to slow down again . Well over the years we communicate over the phone when we could .
I'm now 18 and finally got chance to go see him . Because he wanted me to come see .I thought it would be a great day .well worst thought ever.. when I got there everything was great until he decided to tell me hes migrating to Florida. I cried in front him, I literally break down .. I Really thought things would get better but it got worst .. I cant imagine life without him .
I didn't see him off .. and we haven't been communicating as much because he joined the army ... can you believe it .. It made things worst because I dont want to lose him ...

Distance became the out come , he changed. No text , no calls and there and then it slowly. Couple months later he called in the middle of the night like he didnt disappeared. I asked him one question
What are we and his response was "I dont know" did he really fucking say that yes he did.. if you have to ask a guy what are we just know the answer is nothing. After that night it went back to square one..

Facebook post

It was a normal day , just checking up on my social media's . I saw his post but just scrolled pass it, wait wait back the fuck up..did that post just say ,"she's bae"
Unbelievable !! I should have known, I should have listened when my best friend said to forget about him. Well it's clear he has moved on .
I went ahead and unfollowed him off all my medias . I told myself that was , it's time to forget abt him. And slowly I didnt think about him anymore.

That dream

It was time for bed and I prayed as usual.
Suddenly I was in this place and when I looked over it was shakir standing there. He called me over and I slowly went to him. When I did he pulled out several piece of papers one with numbers and the rest was long paragraphs . I took them and as I was about to read them I jumped out of my sleep.
I woke up in ache and I hold my chest in disbelief. Thinking I've done so well with not thinking about him and now this . The only thing I remembered was the numbers 535 and the words A little crazy. What does this mean I asked myself with a tier running down my face. What's God trying to show me?
To start to think about how many other guys you pushed away for him.
But then to think abt it God has his plans and everything happens for a reason. That stupid fake ass Fairytale wasn't for you. Gotta have faith and patience in God
Cry if you have to , let it all out.. When you think it's enough wipe them tears and man up because it's all in the game . Hurt only makes a person motherfucking stronger.
If a nigga doesn't have plans with you in them , dont fall for them. Fuck a nigga can have plans and the next moment things get better for them they totally switch. Never let another person determine your happiness.

Moving On

Moving on is one of the hardest things to do especially when you know you love that person or thing . But if it's what you have to do well make your mind up and do it.
Who knows what might come your way, you might just get your happily ever after.

Anyways on December 31,2019 I met ,well a guy texted me on Facebook.. I dont normally reply to people on Facebook but I did but well my mind just told me . However from then we've been texting and our relationship got stronger and stronger. Being in an long distance relationship is hard but once its love or you care about someone it's worth it. Its march 23,2020 and we've been through alot ,I mean alot . He's been helpful ,really helpful . He has been helping me to become a person a person to learn to love myself . Hes willing to fight and that's what I love about him. Its been a couple of months but I total feel this guy. I really hope it works out,I really do

You left me when i needed you the most . I cried the last time I saw you . You hugged me and wiped my tears saying everything's going to be ok.. Because I'm doing this for us .. we had plans
All I'm feeling now is betrayal and hate.
What's worst is I dont think I'll ever stop loving you because there's no one that can replace you

On may 13 I some how dreamt about him and when I woke up I went in to panicking mood.. my head started to hurt as well as my heart. I couldn't breathe
I laid there for five mins trying to figure out what's happening.
I had to see his pictures so I went on facebook and I did .. saw something's I wasnt happy about .
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