

My first love is a serial killer part 17
"Remember what I asked you?" The jury asked. "I do. Where is he?" Matt asked. A woman came out of nowhere with a baby boy. She gave the baby to Matt and started crying. "Protect this child with your life!" The jury said looking more serious then ever. "Of course I will. This child is the baby of my sister isn't he?" Matt asked. "Yes but this baby must never learn that. The only way this baby future will be saved is if you raise him with Zack and Luciana." The jury said kissing the baby's forehead. "Yes sir. I must go before Zack suspects something." Matt said walking away with the baby. "Before you leave take this letter. When the child is 16 years old give it to him." The jury said giving Matt a letter. "Ok I will. I'll see you around so called jury." Matt said walking back to the jury and hugging him. "Don't be mean I am a real jury but I am also your sisters husband and the father of that child your holding." The jury said starting to cry and hugging Matt back. Matt left the park and I went home before Matt got there. When Matt got home he didn't have the baby for some reason. I went to sleep without saying anything to Matt. All night long Matt stayed in the living room. The next day passed and Matt made breakfast. Luci went to school and I got ready for college. I only needed 1 more year and I could be an artist. We all say down to eat but then Matt said "What if we adopt a baby?" Luci and I looked at Matt seriously. "Are you sure? We have are hands full right now." I said not being able to look Matt in the eyes. "I know but I just thought I feel lonely being her all alone." Matts said lying to me. "I would love it if I had a baby brother or sister." Luci said sounding excited. I looked at Luci and finally gave in. "Fine we can adopt a child but Matt you are going to be the legal guardian like I'm still 17 years old. Once I turn 18 we can share custody." I said looking Matt in the eyes with guilt. "Ok we can go to the orphanage today when everyone get home!" Matt said excited. We all ate breakfast in quiet. When we finished I took Luci to school and then I went college. Matt was all alone at home.

© the unknown