

sleeplessly part 2
Daniel and Alex decided to have a sleepover Daniel gets tired of waiting

she lays down in her bed 2 minutes later she jumps

her friend is right beside her

"your sleeping at this time"
said Alex

Daniel scratches her back and says

"sorry I got tired of cleaning"

the rest of the day alex and Daniel have fun then it's night Alex is gone

and Daniel is just grabbing her pillow she


she jumps and hits her head she sees alex is asleep she looks around and sees her clock is missing

she quickly runs to the place her clock used to be.

"where's my clock"
said Daniel

she goes up to alex to see if she has it she doesn't she quickly goes to the door and hears a clicking noise

she sees a green glow under the door she lays down and peeks under the door

the light is so bright she can't see what is it

"it's moving"
she said

the light is moving around then it looks right at her and it becomes more brighter she sweats

she falls asleep

she jumps

"what the fuck happened"

alex jump as well yelling

"what happened"

Daniel is terrified her skin is pale

"I'm in bed"
she says

"you are"
said Alex

Daniel gets up and sees the clock in her desk she grabs it and goes outside

she lives in a apartment so she's not alone she goes to the second floor and knocks on the door

a old lady opens the door and looks at her and sees the clock she's hold the lady seems to be in her seventies or something

the old lady speaks to Daniel

"oh young lady why you be here today"

"this clock is the problem"
Daniel said

the old lady smiled and said

"you remind me of my brother that fought in the great war both world war 2 came and he didn't go he left to America I did too he gotten old and needed help he went to a nursing hospital thingy I miss him very he past away during the middle of the 80s I think the date was 1984 he was proud of what he accomplished now sooner or later we will be together again as a family my dear my god bless his soul"

Daniel felt a little sad and asked the lady

"is there any"
before finishing the sentence the old lady told her

"check out the person who help my brother she's right across the street here's her address my dear"

Daniel grabs it and runs straight to the house she knocks on her door

the women came out she's looks to be in her 30s

the lady scratches her head and says

"what happened"

"this clock happened I heard you used to work on these"

the women grabs it she looks at Daniel and says

"a radium clock the last time I saw these was 1986"

"so it's not a uranium clock"
said Daniel

"of course it's not my son had one before"
said the lady

"he went missing didn't he"
said Daniel

"yup he got this game called 88 something and his friends came over and he just vanished the last thing I said to him was I'll be home I promise I was working hard at the nursing home and I worked to hard and he's gone"
the lady said in a sad voice

"I know how it feels my brother went missing when I was 10 I never saw him again"
said Daniel

the lady pulls her into the house

"the radium inside must be giving you harmful amounts of radiation let me see if yup there's a hole I need to open that and check yeah it's giving put rad I'll recommend giving this to a man called phineas he'll give someone 1000 bucks if someone gives this to him no one did cause they ran out 5 years ago"

Daniel grabs it and runs to find the man called phineas she's looking desperately to find him

she remembers he's at the big mansion a mile away she goes home and says goodbye to alex she gets to her car the drives all the way to that house