

The Train

Kyoto Station. Everyday, I come here to go to my home in Gifuhashima through the 5:30's train. I work here in Kyoto. It's so hard to travel everyday twice. Specially in the evening when the train is full. I was thinking to move in Kyoto but I'm glad that I didn't . If I moved, I think I wouldn't be able to get a life changer moment.

2nd February. It was a winter evening. I reached the station about 5:15 and was waiting for my train. It was about to dark. The train came and I hopped in. I was surprised to see there was not a single person on my compartment. I was about to think that if I was in the wrong one and then suddenly a girl came running inside. She looked exhausted. Like she had a real hard day. The door closed and the train started moving. Only 2 of us were in that compartment. Suddenly the girl's phone rang and she picked it up. It was her mother and she was explaining how terrible day she had. She couldn't even took a rest for a while and didn't sleep in the last night as well. When she finished talking; I don't know how but some words came out of my mouth. I told her if she could tell me where will she go, I would wake her up and she could sleep. She looked at me with a doubting eyes. I felt a little awkward and told her that I wouldn't mind to wake her up. I told her she could trust me. However, with an ashamed look she told me that she will stop at Maibara station and went to sleep. Oh man!! That face. That sleeping face caught my eyes. Because of her long hair, I couldn't see her face that well but still now I remember how cute she looked. It was like some mesmerising scene was being shown to me. A girl came from heaven and sleeping here in front of me was all I could think. I didn't even moved my eyes from her till Maibara came. I woke her up calling her Miss. She woke up and thanked me for all I did. Still I was not in the reality. She was about to leave. I don't know how I felt that moment when I asked her name. She smiled and told her name "Yuuri" yeah that's her. She asked me mine and I told her. And then the door closed. I rushed at it and bade each other a goodbye. Before entering Gifuhashima station, that face were grazing around my mind. Even at that night, I dreamt a girl covering her face with long hair.

Kyoto again. I don't know why but my heart was wanting to meet her and I guess nature had mercy on me. We met. After the train came, I entered my compartment and she sat beside me at the very last moment. She didn't notice me at first but when she did she smiled the most prettiest one and asked how I was. A new journey started. She was also doing job in Kyoto and everyday she rushed to get the train. I also told her about my job and we talked on various things. Each and everyday, we met. I waited her to come at the station and together we hopped in the train at the very last moment. It was like a dream.

Then a life turning day came. It was 7th May. As usual I was waiting for her. But she didn't came. 5:31 was the time. I was hesitating whether I should hop in or not. Guess what, I didn't. I waited. The next train was at 6:15. It was 6:10 and I saw her coming. She was really surprised to see me. I told a lie that I had to do overtime. But who knew she didn't believe. The train came and again it was an empty compartment. We hopped in and the train started to move. I don't know why my heart started to tell me to confess my feelings for her. But I wasn't ready. We didn't even talked that much on that day. When she went down, I don't know why I also came down from the train. I rushed to her and again been surprised she told me why I stopped here. I didn't have an answer. She told me let's have a walk. I agreed. Then suddenly a question from nowhere came. She told me why I stopped here as it wasn't my spot. She insisted me to answer. Then my heart decided to take over. I told her that I was lying to her. To my uttermost surprise, she told that she knew it. She knew it from the very beginning. And asked my why I waited for her. I confessed my love for her. I told her I don't know when, how I fell in love with her. I thought she would reject me and our friendship will be over. But holding my hand; shamefully; she told that she was also in Love with me. I don't know how to Express but my heart was beating like hell. She told me she had been waiting for this day to come and both of us were in tears.

A new journey started. Our life was changed. Our stops were same. No, I didn't move in Maibara nor she in Gifuhashima. I used to stop in Maibara with her, walked her home and then take the next train to go to my home. I was living my life. But then an incident(or accident)happened.

A new female colleague joined my office and as she was new in Kyoto, she told my boss to tell her the way to the station. My boss called me and asked a favour to drop her in the station as I go there daily. I accepted as it was not bringing any trouble for me but I guess I was wrong. 5 minutes till the station. We were walking and suddenly a bee fly towards us. My colleague afraid and she fell on me. It was an accident and she started to apologise. But I wasn't hearing anything because when I stood up I saw Yuuri standing in front of me as she wanted to give me a surprise. She started crying and ran away. I rushed, I ran so hard to catch up with her. I met her at the station, but she didn't listen to me and went away. I tried calling her but she didn't answer. I fell on my knees and started to cry like a kid.

Days passed. I tried a lot to call her, text her, met her but she didn't reply. She wasn't even coming to the station. I was shocked. One day, I was walking in Kyoto city to find something. And I saw her. I rushed to her, told her to listen to me for the last time. I told her everything happened that day. But she told me why I didn't tell her in the beginning. She told me that I was a liar. She slapped me and started walking with tears in her eyes. I was shocked. I didn't know what to do it that situation. But I knew where she was going. "Station, Train" my heart shouted. I ran but I missed the train. I was about to break but my heart didn't let me to do it. It told me to run at least I could see the train. I ran again. I saw the train coming towards me. I shouted, " I Love You" and surprisingly we made eye-contact. I saw her in tears. I think she heard me shouting I Love You. She called instantly. She was crying and apologising for not believing me. I told her not to cry and wait for me in the next station which was Maibara. She told me the next train was 1 hour later. I told her that it won't take much longer. I started running. I ran like nobody ever could. When I was near Maibara Station Gate, I saw her coming towards me with a smile on her face. She told, " You fool. Why you have come all this way running? You could easily take the train." I replied with a smile that I couldn't afford to lose her again. She burst in tears and told sorry a thousand times. All on a sudden, she kissed me. It was my first time kissing her. We kissed, kept kissing. A lot of person were watching us but we didn't even care. We kissed, We kept kissing.

She hold my hands and we started walking again like old times. One question was going on my mind and I asked her. I asked her why she believed me at that moment. She replied when she heard that I Love You and we made eye contact her heart was telling her, "You stupid. He loves you more than you do to yourself. Why you are hurting him?" I kissed on her forehead and told I always will Love her more than anything.

You know we are happy now. Sorry, we are the happiest now. Yuuri and I didn't moved in one city as we liked the journey. The journey which made me hers and her mine.

The End.

#Heart , #brokenheartstory , #truelove❤❤❤ , #love , #train , #journeyoflove , #journey , #iloveyou , #romance