

Sinking into our own fears.
The water was cold and dark, so dark close to the bottom covered in algae. I hated it when my feet touched it, sending shivers down my spine. I was trying hard to look up, I could see the sun shining above the water but those algae distracted me all the time.

It was impossible to see the bottom, and the vegetation was moving with a slow motion, animated by the water. It was hypnotizing, truly mesmerizing. But something in me made it look like some terrible tentacles, perfect hiding place for some sea monsters and horrible creature ready to devour me anytime.

My imagination was getting the best of me and I could almost swear that I saw some glowing eyes and something gliding in there.

little did I realize I was already sinking into them. My body was getting colder and colder, until the amount of water between the sun and me was too thick and my body too cold.

I tried to get myself back up, close enough to feel the water warming up at least, but the algae was already holding me hostage. The vegetation was already so dense and surrounding me, tightening around my wrist and ankles. bringing me lower and lower.

I was trying hard to reach the surface when some parts of my body were feeling itchy, then painful. I tried to look, and I saw some little fishes trying to eat me up, biting and scratching my skin.

I tried to stay focus on the sunlight, on the better water, trying to find a way to escape those bounds and fear. I could swear that sometimes I saw a rope, but everytime I tried to reach out for it ... it disappeared. And at some point, I decided to just let the fishes eat me up until there would be nothing left...

© Nogh(Challier_Melody)