

"It's all your fault!!" my mother angrily said to my sister, "I'm so sorry" my sister said as she cries.. I don't even know whom side I will go on..
~Few minutes ago~
I was so exhausted from school, causing me to go home early. While I was walking my sister called me she's the only sister I have, causing me to love her so much. "What is it?" I happily said on the phone call "Don't tell Mom okay?" she whispered. I know something's wrong "What's wrong?" I confusedly said "I'm pregnant" she slowly said to me, I was shocked and I don't know what will I say.
~Present moment~
"Stop it mom! She said it's an acc-" before I could finish what am I about say my mother slapped me "No! Why are you getting her involved here? It's not her fault!" my sister angrily said. "Go!" my mother said to my sister. At this moment my mother's right, that mys sister should've been more careful, but at the same time it's wrong to make my sister homeless while she is pregnant. "Fine! I'll go, but don't you ever put hand on my sister!" my sister said. As she walks outside crying she smiled at me, I don't know why her smile looks so scary. I saw as her smile slowly fades, and the truck slowly getting to her. I want to help her, but my mother keeps stopping me. And in just a second, she died.. Why did this happen?! Why will my mother let this happen?! It's all an accident..

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