

Together, Yet Apart!
After a long time apart, they decided to meet again.They hadn't been in touch with each other for a long time.No calls, no texts, no meetings for a long time, Busy people and their busy life! Maybe they'd forgotten each other, or maybe they were just pretending to. After all, they were about to meet again.
And he came to pick her up. She was all ready, waiting for him. He arrived, and then giggles, smiles, and laughter began. There didn't seem to be an emotional disconnection, despite their long period apart. It was as if no gap had existed between them. They laughed continuously, even without jokes. Deep down, they were incredibly happy, and their lips couldn't wipe away the smiles. 'Together,' they looked perfectly fine.
After their one-hour ride filled with screams and laughter, they reached their destination at midnight, 1 AM. Standing before a massive building, they exchanged glances and burst into louder laughter. Entering through the front door, they faced a staircase with over hundred steps. Again, they locked eyes, and she counted:one, two, three..They raced up, their laughter echoing. Their eyes sparkled, enjoying this favorite pastime. As usual, she started, he won.Her smile faded, replaced by playful mischief, making him chuckle more. She teased him to lose once. With his contagious smile, he descended to her, sweeping her into his arms. Her petite frame made him feel like he held a dandelion. They laughed, and he began ascending. She counted:one, two, three... Twenty. He adored her craziness and childishness, but as a "friend". Reaching the rooftop, their "favorite spot", he gently set her down. Under the starry sky and bright moon, they lay together, basking in the beautiful ambiance. Though silent, their smiles remained, making them radiant. They longed to stay forever "together", but "together"?
She stood up first, followed by him, and they moved to their corner, exposed to the open air. They're sitting at the corner, legs dangling in the air, They felt like they're on top of the world because they're "together".He slowly rested his head on her shoulder, her favorite gesture. She adored when he leaned on her, especially him. They shared a bright, deep, beautiful smile. She gently moved her hand on his cheeks, a reminder of her care. Besides the rooftop, her shoulder was his favorite spot.
And when they're "together" everything seems a little easier.When they have "each other" they found hapiness.But there is no "together", there is no "each other".There is a disconnection persisted by the connection between them. A gap remains filled with something unspoken.They're not meant for "each other", yet they're there for each other.perhaps, under the starry sky, they shared same unspoken thoughts...!!
Here ends!bie ❣️