

Always ask Why????
Ryan, a teenager like all of us, studying in a college , excited for what life had to offer. He always used to be kind and helpful to his classmates, teachers and other college staffs.
Like every other day, he was heading towards his college, little does he know that could be the last time he is seeing his family.
Robbers entered his house, took everything that was hefty price worthy and only to satisfy their security they took lives of Ryan's parents mercilessly.
While saddest moments will be going to be it's peak for Ryan, the happiest moments doesn't refrain to come too;he became the president of Sports academy and was informed that he would be in nominations to "Most dedicated student of the year " on the eve of upcoming Annual function. He was really excited to get home and celebrate this with his parents.
As soon as he reached his home, the smile on his fades away like flame in storm.scene scene he saw was like a brutal murder of all good and positive lives in his body for long.
He didn't cry even a bit, he wasn't ready to acknowledge the gloominess of the situation he was in ;it made him numb, breathless and anytime breaking into infinite bits and pieces. He was living in denial, it's been a week still he talks in home like his parents are listening to him like they used to. After two or more weeks, his aunt arrived to see how Ryan is managing his life. Aunt saw not a home but a heap of garbage lying here and there, what shocked her most that Ryan didn't even notice her and busy talking to his parents inspite there is no one. She felt really guilty that she should have arrived early. But only to realize repenting is worthless, she moved ahead and greeted Ryan with a smile on her face and love in her eyes for little boy. Ryan's reaction was pretty expressionless and all he managed to ask :-"how long she is gonna stay here "., that was inconsiderate indeed but only to realize what he had just lost, his aunt manages not to take offense and manages to converse in more polite way to know what actually he was going through??!
All she got as an answer, -:"to stay out of his life and mind her own business ".
She learned that ,she has to be patient and be approachable enough that he comes to her talk.
She took over the charge of house and start cleaning up while Ryan was out for college . In process of cleaning, she luckily get to see a journal maintained by Ryan, ethically she hated to peek into someone's life but help her nephew she had to . After going through journal, she gets to know Ryan still is in denial and not given time to himself to mourn to his situation and how he is in verge of falling apart and having no one to back him. She decided to take him out of his shell . She decided to show him the mirror and let him now, what present he is trying to rejoice, is nothing just a sad past with no scope of progress. She sat with him and made him understood whatever he was missing in the present via a movie that she documented by herself day and night. Like we know every movie has sad or happy ending, but this movie has no ending, the agony in Ryan's life has just enter and it will take time him to realize what, how and when , he lost everything living in with present. This loss doesn't mak e him only tough on himself but on outside world too. He start behaving rude, inconsiderate and being pessimistic about everything that comes in his way. Her aunt returned to her city now Ryan was all alone with sadness and a heavy heart which is struggling to pump and breathing that suffocates him.
PS :- I didn't want to end it in good note cause it can never be, the loss Ryan is facing is not his fault, others wrong deeds can suffer a person to death, so next time whenever or whichever way you wanna hurt someone, trust me breathe for long and question yourself why?????
You might just refrain yourself from being the person that you might feel disgust in future.
© Mysa_14