

Today was a day that has open my eyes even wider than what they were already opened. You would not understand unless you are out there I applaud the white race who stand with us and not against us. Now I get it all white people are not racist. On the other hand we all believe only God can judge us so why are we judging each other over race, gender, religion and the LGBTQ? Being out with the protesters today I felt the soul of every life no matter what race that was took due to police brutality and I felt more powerful than anything. Yes they are not with us physically here on Earth but they stand with us strong in spirit as we out there fighting for what majority of our ancestors has been fighting for years over years over years and that is justice, peace, freedom and equality. A lot of people don't feel this pain until one of their own friends or family members are took by that bullet that comes out of the Police gun. It is time to stop turning them guns on each other because we are taking more lives that can help us in this war that we are in. Nothing on this Earth that is not going with you when you die is worth taking a innocent life over not no money not no drugs not no material thing is worth taking a life over, now when we talkin about peace Justice freedom and equality those things are not material so fight for that and stop fighting eachother and lets stand together once and for all. As you read they say this loud and proud United We Stand and Divided We Fall, it is time to stand for something and to stop falling for everything. My heart goes out to every generation. ITS TIME FOR A CHANGE IT BUT WE WILL GET NO CHANGE AS LONG AS WE ARE TAKING EACHOTHER LIVES. STAND UP MY PEOPLE, STAND UNITED MY PEOPLE, STAND OUT MY PEOPLE, AND SHOW THEM THAT WE WILL NO LONGER USE THE LIQUOR, DRUGS, AND GUNS TO HARM EACHOTHER CAUSE THATS THE REASON THE GOVERNMENT PUT IT OUT HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE SO STOP LETTING THOSE THING TAKE OVER YOU TO WHERE U TURN AGAINST YOUR ON PEOPLE. BLACK LIVES MATTER BUT BEFORE THEY CAN MATTER TO THE ENEMY THEY HAVE TO MATTER TO EACHOTHER.✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾THAT WAY WE CAN BE UNITED AS A WHOLE💯💯💯💯💯
© Tea-Tea