

A Story Truerer
Some dreams are meant to come true, some more truer than others. But what do you do when your nightmare comes true? Do run the opposite way or face your fears?

I had a dream that I was walking through a dark forest, the trees looming over me like giants. The air was thick with fear and dread, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I felt like I was being watched, but I couldn't see anyone.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of me. It was tall and shrouded in darkness, its face hidden by a hood. It spoke to me in a deep voice that sent chills down my spine. It said that it had come to take me away to a place where no one could ever find me.

I tried to run away but my feet were rooted to the ground. The figure stepped closer and closer until it was right in front of me. Its eyes glowed red and its mouth opened wide as if it wanted to swallow me whole.

In an instant, everything around me changed. The trees disappeared and the darkness gave way to light. I found myself standing in an unfamiliar place with no idea how I got there or where I was going next.

As I looked around, I noticed that the place seemed strangely familiar; it felt like home yet not quite the same as before. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, came a voice calling out my name from behind me.

When I turned around, there stood the same figure from my dream! Its face still hidden by its hood but its eyes still glowing red with menace and power. It said that it had come for me again and this time it would not let go until it had taken what it wanted from me - my soul!

Fear coursed through my veins as the figure advanced towards me but then something strange happened - instead of running away or fighting back, something inside of me told me to stay put and face whatever this creature wanted from me head on!

Taking a deep breath, I stepped forward towards the figure and asked what it wanted from me? To which it replied “Your courage”! With those words ringing in my ears, something inside of me stirred - courage? Was this really what this creature wanted?

Taking another deep breath, I closed my eyes and stepped forward once more until we were face-to-face again; then slowly reaching out with both hands, I grabbed hold of its hooded head and pulled back gently revealing its true form - an angel!

As soon as our eyes met for the first time since our encounter began; all fear vanished from within me as if by magic! The angel smiled at me warmly before speaking once more “You have passed your test brave one; now go forth into your life with courage”! With those words ringing in my ears; I opened my eyes to find myself back in the forest where our journey began...

© billybm