

Dark Fantasies : C-0 : Illuminati
News reporter : The person whom the governments of the whole world are after, that Person is connected with us today and wants to say something to the whole world.
( Evil laugh)

Unknown person sitting on bed : Well well.... Thanks , Every year the lives of approximately 1.3 million people are cut short as a result of a road traffic crash . India tops the world in road crash deaths and injuries. It has 1 per cent of the world's vehicles but accounts for 11 per cent of all road crash deaths, witnessing 53 road crashes every hour; killing 1 person every 4 minutes . About 50,000 die a day in India Don't you understand yet donkeys ? You think the government cannot stop these things!? ..... well they can but If they do, then who will control the population!? This is very common thing in this Kalyug , even worse things are going on in the world than this . This world is very different from the way we see it....so I tried to get out of it and the rest is history now . wake up ! wake up ! I repeat wake up ! they are controlling us ( Reporter: who? the government?) no you piece of shit....... They are being controlled just like us ( Reporter : Then who is controlling them and us ?) Unknown Person : Illumin- *someone shoots Karma from behind z ( reporter oh my gooooood ! fu€k ! he is dead ! Se- se- see you after a short break.)

(After the reporter said this, the screen suddenly goes blank and after a while 'K' is written on it. The whole world was watching this and was in shock. )

(Voice ) : I am not dead yet. You seem to be scared of me, Illuminatis . well well You should be . Cause I'm your end . I am coming for you ! I am your 'KARMA' bit€h !

Next Chapter (No. 1) : Love of my life

© karma47