

Pain of being in a relationship
How many times do you always have to say I'm sorry, how many times must she feel okay, how many times must she look at you and tell you it's okay when it's never okay? Your actions boy are the reason she's in this way she feels like telling you but she's scared to loose you so she chose to walk with the pain such a stupid girl falling for you. Everyone tells her to stand with you through sickness and health but she feels she's in a toxic relationship, she wants to go but she can't as she loves you so deep you've been nothing but good to her yet you changed your tune instead of love you gave her pain; pain she will always walk with herself having a big smile on her face while she's dying bit by bit inside. Wasn't it enough that you told her you love her that you will never hurt her but, it seems you enjoy hurting her everyday. She wakes up hoping for a brand new start yet you have a way of ruining it all acting like you love her when all you wanna see is tears falling down her face why boy why? isn't she enough don't you love her anymore? She was there for you when you lost loved ones she held your hand and help you to forget the pain she made you smile but you thought she didn't mean it and she showed you how much she loves you; you still don't care you keep on telling her lies she thinks you mean it yet you don't! Or maybe she's insecure still stuck on the past blaming you for every pain she's feeling She's hurting and you don't see it,she's listening to songs crying herself out asking herself what went wrong? she should've given up on you but she chose to stay it's too early to give up! she's willing to fight everything to be with you even though it hurts!

y'all today is not about motivation is about people who are in a relationship blaming themselves because of the past pls don't do that start afresh live love but mostly pray ❤😘😘😘😘😘😘 I love y'all