

Inner - Origin (intro)
Introduction - ORIGIN of Inner

Author : Epic ride

Editor : Sofia Jotness

Season : SEASON 1

Description ; This is an animation of 4 rabbits who live in burrows, 1 boy and 3 girls, with a father and a mother.

Main characters ;
Froster - Curious, cool, humble and clear.

Quinn - chubby, popstar and kind.
Ruby is - Michievious, rough, sport (twins)

Celine - nerd, smart and intelligent

Mr and Mrs Sabbestian - parents

Other characters ;
Parker - Froster best friend, honest

Florence - bully, rude

Flora - proud, bossy, rude

Mason - cool, nice, humble

Peace - pure, quiet, humble, meek

Mr. Brough - teacher, rude, science teacher.

Upcoming films ;

The crazy burrow - 31st January 2021

The crazy burrow 2 - 4th August 2021

© Epic