

Lamput's Tragic Supermarket End
Once upon a Time In a Dream I Went To The Supermarket To Buy Some Stuff.

One Day in The Dream I Saw a Shapeshifting Orange Blob Like Creature And I Said. Hello Who Are You?

A Orange Shapeshifting Creature Said. My Name is Lamput.

Nice To Meet You And Why You Staying in a Supermarket? I Said.

Well I Am Scared To Get Captured By Doctors Who Want To Experiment On Me. Lamput Said.

Oh No That's Terrible. I Said.

Well I Have To Stay As Cheating To Be The Supermarket Groceries. Lamput Said.

Don't Worry Lamput We Can Live Through This Together I Said.

I Hope I'll Be Safe for Once.
You My Hero Martynka. Lamput Said.

Yes You Too Lamput. I Said.

And Don't Worry They Will Not Find Us. Just Stay Quiet Lamput. I Said.

Lamput in a Quiet Voice Said Ok.

And Then The Doctors Entered The Supermarket For The Search For Lamput.

Lamput Stayed Quiet In The Hiding Place Cheating To Be a Supermarket Grocery.

And Me I Don't Have To Hide.

And Suddenly I Saw Doctors Searching for Lamput.

And One Slim Doc Went To Me And Said. Do You Have Seen a Orange Substance That Can Shapeshifting Wherever He Wants?

And I Said. No I Didn't See Him.

And The Slim Doc Said. Darn It.

Can You Find Him Anywhere?

And I Said. Ok I'll Try To Find Him But Who Are Both Are You?

And The Slim Doc Said.
I Am Skinny And This is Specs.
We Are The Scientist From The Secret Laboratory For The Search To The Orange Shapeshifting Blob Like Creature.

And I Said. You Meant Lamput?

Yes Exactly Skinny Said.

And I Said. Okay I Will Try My Best To Find Him Everywhere.

And If You Find Lamput I Can Reward You With a Price Like Working In Our Laboratory Cuz You're 18 Right? I Can Teach You How To Use The Lab Equipments Or I Can Bring To The Theater in which movie you want to watch Said Skinny.

and I Said. I Love To Watch Horror.

And Skinny Says. Ooooooooooo I Could Be Easily Scared By This I Heard That You Are a Huge Fan of Horror Genre.

And I Said. Wait You Know??

Yes of Course I Know Cuz You a Halloween Obsessed Relative.

And Even The Bestest Reward Ever Is...
I would get wherever you want wherever You wish.

Wow Skinny You're So Awesome I Said.

Yes But First You Need To Complete Our Command That We Promised Is To Catch Lamput Skinny Said.

Okay I Will Try My Best To Find Him I Said.

Okay I Believe in You. I Wish You Luck Twist Your Fingers If You Find Him I Could Congratulate You Skinny Said.

Yeah I Hope I'll Make It I Said.

Yes You Will Make It.
You Are Strong And Brave You're Not Scared Of Anything Do Not Give Up On Hope Luck Is The Only Option.
Now Go To Find Him And Remember Don't Give Up And Don't Give Up On Hope. Remember Skinny Said.

Understood I Said.

And I Started a Search for Lamput for Their Command.

And Lamput Stayed Quiet Cheating To Be a Supermarket Grocery He Did No Sound.
If He Does a Sound He Will Be Found By The Docs.

I Keep Searching and Searching And Searching Until I Found Him on a grocery shelf
And I Said To Him. Lamput The Doctors Commended Me To Capture You I Guess No Luck For You.

Wait!? What!?
Capture Me!? Lamput Said.

And I Said. Yeah I Know You Hate It I Have a Jar Right Here To Trap You.
I'm So Sorry This Is My Command.

Then I Got Lamput And Put Him In a Jar
Then Lamput Started Screaming and Then Said With a Screaming Voice. Help!! Someone Is Taking Me!! Please Someone Save Me!! Help Please Someone!! Please I Don't Want To Go To The Lab!! I Repeat I Don't Want To Go To The Lab!!

Then I Close The Jar Lid
When Lamput Was Inside The Jar.
Lamput Started Screaming And Crying And He Said The Crying Screaming Voice.

HELP!!! ME!!!

LET ME OUT!!!!!!!!!






FREE ME!!!!!!!

Then Lamput Started To Cry Loudly.

I Gaved Trapped Lamput To The Doctors They Were Amazed.

And Skinny Said. Good Job You Got Him. For Your Reward Price I Can Bring Wherever You Want and Wherever You Wish.
And Also... Skinny and Specs Said Thanks For Our Help!! It's So Good Of You.
Yeah it's Also Good For Your Too I Said.

And Also I Said. This Hey Skinny What Does Specs Were Doing in This Time?
I Said.

Skinny Said He Was Busy Finding And Capturing Lamput.
So Many Months.
So Many Weeks.
So Many Years.
And Even Days.

We Waited For That Moment To Come. WE FINALLY CAUGHT LAMPUT!!!

And Then They Exit The Supermarket And They Return To The Laboratory To Get Experiment On Him.

Making Him Useless Which They Did. They Did To Him.

And Now Lamput Is Useless Worthless And Not Useful For Anything.

And Now He Gave Up On Hope.

Lamput Just Needs To Do Just Die Off.

Which he Did.

He Died On a Jar.

Without Food.

Without Water.


The End