

a different turn (PART 8)
I slowed down my pace to join the other girls behind. I walked beside Mellissa now.

" What were you talking to him about!!!?" She asked , with a raspy voice . I could tell she's exhausted and she needs some sleep.

"Nothing Mel , just asked him if he got to know something , but he didn't".

"Why is this happening to us Janeina?? I mean , first Jane and then Nora? What is this and why is this happening??!! You were the first person who saw Jane right?? Whose saw her....her.....um...dead? "

She struggled to say the word because if there was someone who loved Jane after me , it's Mellissa.

" I wish I knew why this is happening Mel , but yeah...I was the first one to see her , why?"

"Did you see something suspicious? Some window open? Or some door open that we didn't open?? Or..."

I cut her in between," Mel , relax , this isn't our job it's the cop's job. Let them do their work. We need to help them in every way we can but breaking our heads over this is not good. Mel , I need you to relax! I know it will be hard , but...we need to do this."

Mel seemed like she was trying her best to hold her tears in but after me saying all this , she could not control the urge to breakdown. She held my arm and hugged me tightly ,and broke down. She cried loudly and I was on the verge of breaking down too but instead I told her to hold on and be strong. I held her as we walked till the rooms.

Finally we reached . Mr Daven opened the doors for us. I went I one room with Mads and Mellisa and Joan went to the other room with Rach. They kept their luggage beside the bed and joined us in our bedroom.

Mr Daven waited for them to settle on the bed.

" I know that you ladies must be scared. This isn't something normal for sure. I have made arrangements for your safety. Two officers will stay with you at all times , right outside your room and wherever you go. They will be ladies ,so you have nothing to worry about. I suggest none of you to get out of your rooms until you're going to the other person's room. We need to keep you here till you are safe and serpcue and this case is cleared. I hope you wil co-operate well and we shall provide you with all your requirements."

We all nodded our head and he left us with a sympathetic smile.

Before he left he looked at me and frowned.

What was that for??

He closed the dor behind him and we were all staring at the bed , quite. I took oit my phone and dialed my mom's number.

She picked up almost immediately.

"JANEINA!!! I've been trying to call you , why haven't you picked up the call?!!! I was so scared!!" She screamed so loud that everyone else in the room could hear a clearly.

I handed the phone to Joan

"Mom , you need to calm down...we are in safe quarters . We have been given accommodation by the cops and they are keeping us in two rooms for safety purposes. We cannot leave until the case is solved because they need us for witnesses" she said in a rather calm tone

DO YOU THINK I CARE???!! Come back both of you and stay at home

Before she could say anything further , I snatched the phone and said

"Ohkay mom , we will book our flights but what if there is someone who murders one of us in the flight!!!??? Who do you think will be blamed!? We are safe here in the police accommodation, you don't need to panic . Bye!" And I cut the phone.

Everyone looked dead as if their souls were ripped out of their body. Their eyes were droopy and they were in bad shape

" Guys I think we all need some rest. It's already 4:00 am and we haven't had a bit of sleep. Joan and Rach , both of you need to sleep off so that you don't get sick. We all need to process this and I suggest we go and take rest." I said. I sounded like an insensitive mom , but someone needed to take control.

Joan and Rachel got up from the bed and walked out to their room. Madison and Mellisa changed into comfortable clothes while I went to the washroom.

The washroom was outside the cabin rooms.


I walked into the washroom and entered a toilet stall . I finished my work and came out. I was washing my hands when....



Shout out to - @Sanika08

© HennaG