

Its the hardest thing ive ever had to even think about doing when youve been together for going on 13 yrs. Men and woman of this generation are two completely differnt creatures. Men are stubborn and competitive and genuinly emotional amugst themselfs but woman are sterm and built to be untouchable an honestly really feel no emotion. The type of creature that can turn there feelings on and off like a switch. When you have surrendered and admitted that your a woman i. this generation that.has feelings it makes us extremly volnerable to an unstable point. I feel like women really could run this world better than men.
On that note due to my problems within my marriage i find i might be depressed because i dont have the energy to be home and wanna clean the house or do the laundry let alone leave the house. im more tired than ive ever been and wish somedays of not even going to work. I feel so alone but cant care enough to change it.
© ko