

The Letter
Dear Mom,
Why did you leave me?It's been 2 years now since you've gone and I'm still weeping.Mom you were my bestfriend,my Daymaker,My favourite person,My sunshine on the rainiest day's,My happiness a matter a fact my EVERY THING.
Why did death did Ofto take you away so early?
I can't even trust anybody ,love them 100%,be truthful or anything Ma;
I can't even love myself.
Every day I put on this facade smile to let others know I'm ok ,but inside I'm broken. The walls that I built is really high and im trying ma it's just hard .
I wish you were here to tell me your silliest stories,brush my hair,watch TV with me,listen to my crazy jokes,motivate me when I'm not trying . The house is not the same without you it's quite boring and really need a woman touch.
I love u Ma , I'll see you soon.

Your truly,

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