

A Ticket To Ride
On June 13 2024 the mayor had opened a new railroad for everybody to come visit. A special steam train was going to give everybody rides but first people has to get their tickets to ride. The mayor announced the new railroad is now opened and everybody cheered when the railroad was opened everybody got to see the steam locomotive it was big and shiny it had shiny paint, shiny wheels, and shiny coaches. People took pictures of it they went to the ticket booth and got their tickets to ride soon the conductor shouted All Aboard! said the conductor and everybody headed to the train they gave Mr. Conductor their tickets but one boy had forgotten his ticket he was 18 years old he was a railfan and he told Mr. Conductor that he doesn’t have a ticket Mr. Conductor told him that he better go get a ticket no ticket means no ride on the train and the young man ran to the ticket booth to get his ticket when he got his ticket he ran back to the train luckily he had time to get on the train he showed the conductor his ticket and he climbed on board the express train. Soon it was time for the train to leave the station Mr. Conductor waved his green flag to let the engineer’s know that all was clear then the train blew it’s whistle and left the station. It was a smooth ride everybody was enjoying the ride it was a nice view the passengers looked out the window and saw cows grazing in the field, people riding on their horses, and cars driving on the road. People waved out their windows at the cars driving, and people in their cars waved back at the people in the train. Soon the train made it back safely to the station all of the passengers got out of the coaches it was a safe journey.
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