

Hi my name is Brandy. I am sixteen years old. And I am going to tell you my story how I die. It was in July 2015. one week before my birthday. Mom and Dad plan a trip. We were going to my aunt house for the summer. I was so happy to go on the trip with my parents. The next day we got to my aunt house. and I start to on pack my things. the next day I went out and I meat some new friends they were very nice to me. so we become good friends. We went shopping together and we party together. so one day my new friends were going on a camping trip in the hoods. so I ask my parents if I can go with them. And they said yes so I went. The day before my birthday. that was the last day my parents last say me. I went missing. I die that day. My friends that was nice to me kill me and dump my body in the hoods and got away with It. So my death was left a mystery. A short story by:Aaliyah Smith