

2022 , It's Your Time
Who says its not your time.....
It's always your time,
But right now it is another strong reminder of a new year, to bring out the best in you.
Resolutions, hmmm...., have made thousands by now I guess, but not many did I follow though 😅.
Guess it's the same for many. 😉
Well, that actually accounts for every single one, one way or another I guess .
Jokes apart, wait... hold on a sec... Don't let any of that talk above prevent you from making new resolutions,
Cause they are the things that give you a purpose to live.
Sounds sure enough funny , but to many who are lost, like me 🤷‍, it is.

So buckle up guys, it's finally another one of our times, but this time make a resolution to stick on with your other resolutions till the end.
We can change definitely, no doubt in that.... Darwins theory of evolution..... 🤔..... He knew what we know 😉....

Ok not gonna make it any more quirky than it is,
Happy New Year 🎇🎊🎉,
To a bright new morning🌞
To a bright day of wishes☺
To a bright day of love ❤
To a bright day of hope 😇
To a brighter you 🙏

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