

Unspoken Truths
I wonder if I ever will find a language to speak the things that haunt me most. Words, like elusive apparitions, seem to slip through my fingers, escaping into the shadows where they dance, merging with the inky blackness of my fears. It is as though they have conspired against me, determined to keep hidden the truths that swirl within my soul.

The echoes of broken dreams and silent sorrow resonate deep within, their weight heavier with each passing day. They crawl beneath my skin, forging an intricate fabric of scars that are invisible to the world, but vividly etched within my being. How can one encapsulate the enormity of one's pain into mere words, bound by the confines of human language?

Perhaps there is a language that dwells beyond the realm of the spoken word, one that transcends the limitations of syntax and vocabulary. It is a language that speaks through the fragments of fractured memories, as if the fragmented shards of a broken mirror can reflect the entirety of one's existence, if only we could piece them together in the right way.

In the midnight hours, when the pale moonlight casts its enchanting glow upon the world, I listen intently to the whispers of the wind. In between each gust, I strain to decipher the secrets it carries, hoping it will reveal the key to unlocking the language that eludes me. Yet, the wind remains an enigma, its voice melodic yet elusive, leaving me yearning for the unknown.

There are nights when the weight of my unspoken truths becomes unbearable. I find solace in the vastness of the universe, gazing up at the twinkling stars that punctuate the darkness. Their distant radiance seems to beckon, inviting me to unburden my soul. And so, I embark on an introspective voyage, traversing the cosmic expanse within.

With each step, snippets of memories and emotions swarm around me like ethereal fireflies. I reach out to grasp them, to hold them close, hoping they will morph into tangible phrases. Yet, they slip away, melting into the caverns of my mind, always just out of reach. Their elusiveness fuels my longing, compelling me to continue the search for the language that will give voice to my thoughts.

Perhaps this language exists only in the realm of dreams, where the ethereal and the tangible intertwine, blurring the boundaries of reality. In these dreamscape landscapes, words take on a life of their own, cascading from my lips like crystalline rivers, carrying with them the essence of my being. But upon awakening, they dissipate like morning mist, leaving me empty-handed, aching for the return of that elusive language.

I imagine a scene where the sky weeps, its tears falling upon barren soil. From the depths of the earth, a fragile bloom emerges, its petals unfurling to reveal the secrets of the universe. They form a symphony of hues, each shade a word, each word a fragment of understanding. In this surreal garden, I find a language that transcends speech – a language of translucence and vulnerability, of interconnectedness and resilience.

And so, I continue my journey, my quest to find this mythical language that will embody the unspeakable truths that haunt me. I wonder if it lies hidden within the depths of my own existence, waiting patiently for me to uncover it. For now, I remain in this liminal space between worlds, eager to embrace the language that will finally set me free.
© Jevanjee