

future is so far...
Is the future preconceived or does it change very frequently? Answer the question by writing a story.
we can never face our future with prejudice. The future is not permanent and it will continue to change. whether it is love or friendship, it will be with you till the end of your life but it will not be with you in your future. we can think of this moment without thinking future because we can only reach the future only by passing this moment. There is nothing permanent in life and then only the future will be permanent.
Try to think about the present life rather than the future life. It is impossible to say what will happen at this moment and then how to predict the future. Do not think too much about the future because you can only know what the future holds when you reach the future. Think about this moment and be happy no matter what the future holds.
what if I had less, loving parents or a beautiful ladylove, a car, a house and so many other good things but when did I lose all this?
How hard it was for my dad to grow this business today because I'm ruined it. The car, house all are lost. Didn't she cheat on me when I had to stand by her arm when I got tired? I had lost all my good fortune and there is no one to help me anymore. Who do I trust now?
Yes, this is all my fault. I only thought about the future without thinking about today. I thought about the future of the business but I didn't think about how to keep it as it is today. I thought about the happy life with her but I did not think about what she was like at this moment.
He went down the top of the bridge. Decided to do today all the things to do in the future. He realized that happiness is not for the future but for the present.
This is how many people do many things for the future but do nothing for the present. Is that so? No, we can think about today and then think about the future. learn from yesterday, live today, look forward to the future.