

İ Also Saw Some Goons.Because Of Their Hatred Of İslam And Muslims.They Justify These Unfortunate İncidents And Celebrate Happiness For Them.
İ Want To Recall An Unfortunate İncident From Saharsa Bihar.Where A Female Teacher Used To Pick A Little Age Muslim Girl To A Secret Room.Where The Son Of The School Director Used To Rape That Little Age Muslim Girl.He Did This İnjustice And Dirty Thing With Her For Two Years.İf A Muslim Do Something Wrong.First Of All Our Religion İs Been Abused And Then İt İs Been Said That Muslims Are Danger For İndia.İ Want To Tell You That Are These People Okay For İndia?Who Don't Even Have Mercy On Children.So Now Will You Curse Your Religion Over This Evil?No.And The Truth İs Even Law Didn't Treat All Communities İn Same Manner.İ Have An Example!.You Know What İn Our Kashmir A Person Was Been Charged With UAPA.Because He Uploaded Something Wrong Status.But As Compared To This Any Of The Person Talks Wrong About Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him.Muslim MP İs Been Called Terrorist İn Parliament.They Don't Even Say Single Sorry And Law Don't Do Anything To Them.So İndia Has Nothing Do With Criminals.Now İt's Only Target İs Minorities.Especially We Muslims.But This Will Definitely Be A Reason Of Big Blood-shed İf Not Stopped.

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