

"Um" I thought hard, " It's hot out there.." I looked at the professors to see them stare at me expectantly. Medo nodded encouragingly.
I cleared my throat again.
" So- we have this problem of global warming.. our ice caps are melting. The pollution levels are rising up. But you see, you couldn't shut off industries overnight.. they are needed for urbanization. And.. Thats pretty much the way things are." I finished. The professors were still looking at me like I was going to say more. I cleared my thoat uneasily.
Mint asked, "tell me what they are doing to bring down the pollution, to ease the effect of global warming."
"Well," I thought some more, "we have a pollution control board.. It tries to decrease pollution levels bit by bit. We are trying to emply pollution less energy sources.. like solar power..." I really couldn't think of anything else to say. Heaven knows, if I had known I was to be interviewed about my evs I either would have prepared for it or forfeited the meeting. It was a terribly uncomfortable situation now.
Professor Medo heaved a sigh. "You do nothing else? not about the particulate matters?"
I thought that the best way to answer is negative. Though I pretty much didn't have a clue what they were trying to get out of me.
The professors thought for a while. I could see their shoulders droop. I felt bad. I wished I could do something more. Finally, Professor Medo said, " Well, it seems our moons have abandoned us then. Thank you, Kushal for coming here. I will presently ask Vi to escort you back home." He turned towards Professor Mint, both having great worry lines on their forehead and started a grave discussion. It was sad party I left back at the cubicle. Vi seemed sad too. We walked back over the bridge to the platform lift. As we descended, a question struck me. " Vi, what happens to the waste generated here?" I asked.
" We use digital media so there is practically no littering.. and other household wastes get sucked up by a sewer machine that we have built for the purpose. It serves as our alternate emergency power generator incase our sources run out." she explained. " well, what do you do with your wastes?" she asked me.
" I generate a lot of litters" I said frankly," so every other day I vacuum my room..." Suddenly an idea flashed before me. I grabbed Vi's hand. " Vi quick! Let's go up! I have just thought of something!" Vi looked taken aback, But nevertheless she gave the command and we travelled up. As soon as we reached the top, I dashed into Professor Medo's cubicle. Professor Mint was explaining " We need more oxygen plants as our tress have wilted, those genetically modified ones that survived are likely to be requiring a few more years for adulthood..." he stopped as he caught sight of me. " Why, by the moons, Its Kushal! whatever happened?" he asked. Somewhere my curiousity was aroused by the curious swear word used by the professors. However I decided to resolve it later.
"Professor, I have had a idea. Though I couldn't help you out in any way.. I thought I might suggest it to you and if you find it good then your problems might be gone." I said breathlessly.
The professor looked at each other before giving me a go aheaf nod.
" Look I have just been telling Vi here that I use a vacuum cleaner to clean my litters. What if.. You build a giant vacuum of some sort and suck out the debris blocking the sun!" I said excitedly, " That could remedy your problems atleast a bit!" I pointed out.
The professors looked at each other again. " A giant vacuum, you say...." Medo said thoughtfully, scratching a point on his chin. " But thats impossible," Mint ejaculated, " The stratosphere is huge.. though if we calculate the volume of the band of debris.. we may build a receptor...." Mint's eyes glazed over, clearly thinking of the possibility. " A vacuum cleaner that vacuums the particles leaving the way clear to the sun!" Vi joined in excited, "That's pretty good!" she said enthusiastically.
" There are practical problems yes," said Medo," but its a proposition, yes, and by the moons, its bettwr than no hope at all. If we could get past the obstacles, yes we might deliver the world from ice age for now." he finished nodding hopefully.
They all gave me a warm hug to expressed me their thanks. It was a much cheerier grouo I was leaving thankfully. I remember Mint asking Medo how was it that this idea never entered their head, whereupon Medo remarked something about by the moons, the meaning of which sadly, I never got a chance to ask.
Vi escorted me to a large room at the basement of the lab, where the time machine was kept. Before I enetered the man shaped slot to travel back to my time, she said that if they got the idea to work she will send me pictures of their world, not covered by ice. I smiled and asked if I coukd contact them in anyway. She shook her head and said they were working on it still. But she would send me the key to contact as soon as it was finished. We shook hands and as I stepoed into the machine she flipped on a switch. Everything became a blur. Next I was at my home, with a day at office missing and mentally preparing myself for the earful that my boss would have ready for me the next day.

P.S. It was a year after that I saw an anonymous envelope sitting on my desk when I returned from work one day. I opened it. Inside was some pictured and a hand written letter. The letter was from Vi on behalf of Professors Medo and Mint who had finally made the idea work. It was a slow but sure process. Their world was now recovering. She sent me some pictures where the ice had partially melted to reveal the lake where I had landed and their lab, which I found was still white even qhen free from snow. She once again promised to send me the key to communicate to them as soon as it was developed.
Till date I had told no one of my adventure to the future. Even the reader now may not believe me. But I know and feel satisfied knowing that I had somehow helped to save one of the greatest civilisations of the world.

© jb