

Tales Of A So-Called-P.A.C.E Girl
Part 3!

Dear Diary,

Could my night get any better? My dad just took out one of his old computers and cleaned it off!
Because of the whole"I need to learn my time tables" I couldn't use any electronics. So when he set it RIGHT ON MY DESK AT HOME I WAS LIKE " ARE YOU FOR REAL!?! ". But there's a downside, well 2!

1) I can only use it for learning.
2) And he forgot his password!

I WAS LIKE OMG, SERIOUSLY!?! He went to his room while I'm here with a computer that is like it doesn't even WORK 😑! Then after he called me to do a two minutes on the 9&6 times table. I think I got everything on 6, but only one question I missed on 9. I knew the answer but didn't have time to write it! So the answer to my first Question: could my night get any better? Answer: Nope, only worse!

November 8, 2018!