

Gripper's File.
When I was of Four after watching movies i thought i will become an actress but i was embarrassed to tell to anyone it was not like i was ugly or having a bad personality it's just i was a little shy and less confidence . I was really talkative and an attention seeker till an age so sad ....
my family we shifted many houses mostly we use to live in big house i had two younger twin brothers my parents thought living in big house will be cozy but living in big house is just lonely because i was older my parents use to ask for favors from favors i mean to stay at home and look after at home when i am alone at home. Because of shifting there was no friends in neighborhood and i also choose to be alone...
in the age when i should had played with friends i was at home watching dramas i thought living alone without friends sounds cool but didn't know it's feels lonely at school i was had tons of friends I'm not sure why i call them friends they helped me because they expect me to help them back .
There was always expections it was always give and gain. I was friendly with everyone with a smile but i was an introvert who don't know anything about real true friends.
From age of 13 i get started to receives proposals and i turned down all of them i wonder how it's feel to be in a relrelationshi
"I don't want to experience heart broken, i scared of being get too close to someone. "
it was an excuse i use to tell my self the real reason why i don't want to be in a relationship was
"I don't want anyone to think that they are only one close to me or that i rely on them or trust them a lot. "
yeah i was too mean. In teenage i spended my time watching anime, reading manga, watching K-drama with mom, drawing, writing, singing and dancing at home by myself, and making stories .
It was my mom's idea to write stories online when i was an attention seeker i use to make fake stories like i have magical powers i wonder with so dumba** i use to study who believes on my all fake stories . I don't know what is a real friend but i made some friends whom i likes.
When i was of 14 i thought to become a doctor but i was more into being a cartoonist my father who has studies medical and become a manager in a factory he said me to fulfill my ambitions my old man i really admire him.
Me and my good friends we all use to write stories but they stopped writing after some years. I completed my 12th took three years for taking Bachelor Art Degree and become an official cartoonist and i carry-on writing too but why? it's so strange i was never able to trust anyone even half i never keep any expectations from anyone or rely on anyone i just wanted to live in my own apartment with my pet cat and dog and some fishes with a balcony of full of plants in teenage i became a patient of insomnia, depression and get traumatized because of an accident i was of 18 i took part in a story writing competition there was two months i was just thinking what write i was at subway i saw an old woman hesitating to go in train just as a human i helped her but i didn't know she was not having pass -_-|| i paid for her ticket and heaven's sake she was starving i buy meal for her she was wearing good clothes and the food "I can tell what kind of person you are from your meal" Shakespeare said she ordered food like she belongs from a good wealthy family she told she is going to meet his Son but she don't go out a lot she gave me his son business card and after it we take separate ways. After went home i checked what's going on now a days what people up to now a days and that sad life stories were viral so i got an idea i used that old lady as main protagonist i wrote an imaginary story and summit it in contest and won second prize but -_-|| that old lady son did complain against me he said i abuse his family how could i know that my imaginary story was almost like their family biography thanks to that old lady who took my side and told truth that she didn't told anything about personal life info and that I'm a good person
(*´∇`*) such a good lady. But people they got what they want a new subject for to gossip around till turned 24 i tolerate a lot nuisance when we know about our last day we can do whatever we want so decided my own death and died like this i attempted suicide .
Sarah died and become a grim reaper but she have to learn her job so she is living with a senior grim reaper but because grim reaper are not allowed to have an identity they give each other nicknames or call each other junior and senior.
Senior : So here was my past life story behind becoming a grim reaper.
Junior :Ah... but how do you remember all past ? I don't remember anything.
Senior:It's not i can remember it's my punishment to live with my reality living with a truth from which you can never run is known as Hell.
© Priya Rawat