

Deceitful Delilah Chapter 4 (The discovery)

Tiff has been my best friend  since kindergarten.How could she do me like this?
My mother always told me one thing."Not everybody who smiles with you is your friend".
I never knew what she meant up until now. My head drift up to look at Jay and my eyes met his.
He was staring and I didn't even notice. His features haven't change a bit.
His caramel skin and blue eyes were still visible and his auburn curls laid neatly on his shoulders and well groomed..
His strong arms engulfed my tiny palms making me feel so small yet protected.
I thought I had forgotten everything but all the feelings I had just came rushing back through me and for the first time in two years I felt alive like I could conquer the world.

Jay isn't dead!My heart in human form has return to me but I can't tell him it's me at least not yet I needed to confront Tiff first.

"I am wondering if God has answered my prayer". He said drying his eyes with his shirt."Why do you say that? " I think I know the response but I just wanted to hear it.

"Because your here". Did he know it was me? "Choice is dead but God made you just like her so I can say goodbye and finally move on" he finished.
"Maybe not to say goodbye but to say hello". I added.

"I will take you to see Tiff.
Maybe you could become her best friend just like Choice or I don't know" He shrugged.
Good idea I thought to myself instead of telling him that it was me, I could just let Tiff tell him herself.
"Yea great idea... will you take me now?"
"I was on my way to work but I guess I could be late today" he said gesturing for me to follow him.

We walked to his car and he opened the door on the passenger side for me like any gentleman would.
About half an hour later he pulled up to a gated complex and told the security guard his pass code and they let his car through.

He pulled up to a house at the end of the street with a big white gate to match the white picket fence, the lawn was neatly cut and the willows were well groomed.
This bitch had a whole house and living the dream with my man.
With friends like these who needs enemies?. Popcorn was right about that.
He parked the car and he came around to open my door for me but before I got out I saw a baseball cap on the floor of the car, I asked if I could borrow it as the sun was out and I was fearing the heat and he said ok.

Liar!I wanted it to use as disguise to try and hide some of my features so the bitch wouldn't notice that it was me at first glance.
We walk up the path leading to the porch and he opened the door for me again..
Once inside he started to raise his voice calling Tiff.
"Tiff honey there is someone I would like you to meet" no answer
"Tiffany" he called again using her full name this time.
"You know I hate it when you call me by my full name" Tiff called back.
She came through a door which look as if it was leading from the kitchen wearing sweat pants and an apron.
Since when does Tiff cook?
"I met this girl today,she resembles Choice so much I decided to take her home to see you" he said sounding excited.
"Babe Choice is dead. How much time are we going to go over this?" She said kissing his cheek.
"I know but...." he trailed off obviously lost for words.
"Am sorry my husband drag you all the way here I keep telling him to get over our dead friend but he just won't. Am sorry again....um what's your name?" She asked.
"Choice" I said pulling Jay's hat off my head.
She opened her mouth stunned."Choice how did you get here? _ you shou_" I gathered all the strength in my arm and I slapped her straight back into two years ago.

She tried to slapped me back and I kicked her into and old antique chair.I was fucking mad.
"Sit down bitch" I screamed picking up a golf club that was in the corner."Or am going to beat the stupidness from you. How could you do this to me? "
All this time Jay was standing beside the fire place too shock to say or do nothing.
"Am sorry C" she kept saying.
"Why Tiff? What did I ever do to you? You listened to me cry every time you called and you knew he was alive and didn't say nothing?... God Tiff how can you be so heartless?"
"I was jealous of your love so I took him and now we are a family"
This bitch had some nerve..


I knew it was choice,I knew it that's why I brought her here I needed answers I mean Tiff said she died but I would know Choice's voice anywhere that's what gave her away her voice.

Yet still I was shocked and  I couldn't believe Tiff would do something like this. I have been living with this woman for two years and it never occurred to me that she lied to me.
"You told me he was dead Tiff!!!" Choice screamed.
"She told me you were dead" I spoke up for the first time.
"She told me that you burned to ash" she said to me.
"Me burn to ash? She said you committed suicide and I didn't know what to do so I ran".
"You both were so stupid.I just fed both of you two stupid stories and you believed it.
Jay you could have waited before you ran off to Canada and you Choice could have at least watched the news an accident like that would have had  been on the news" Tiff spat and laughed.
I stood there and listen while she told us the story of how she manipulated both of us and got what she wanted..
Me!!! I can remember asking her for years for a chance to be the guy in her life and she turned me down every time and after she sees everything going well with me and Choice,she destroys everything.

She took two years of our life! Just because I was stupid enough to fucked up the one good thing I had but If we weren't destined to be together God wouldn't have led us back to each other.
I would be damned if I let the love of my life slipped through my fingers again and if she hates me for fucking her best friend while I thought she was dead I will plead my case with her until eternity if I have to because true love happens only once.


While Choice was there crying and Jay lost in thought oblivious as always.
I quietly slipped away to get my gun, if I can't have Jay no one will.How dare this bitch walks in here and disturb the life that I worked so hard to build .
I came all the way to Canada and she followed us to ruin everything I had work for. I will not have it,over my dead body.

I went to JT room and picked him up from his play pen and picked up my gun from it's hiding place behind the door and made my way back through the kitchen and into the sitting hall.

They were still oblivious to the fact that I had slipped away.
"Dada" JT yelled and started wriggling from my arms.I set him down and watch as he ran across the floor to his hero.Go ahead he deserves to hold you one last time.I raised the gun towards Jay.."Hold him one last time Jay " I yelled while aiming my gun at him."Tiffany what's going on?" Jay asked me looking scared ad confuse.
"Put my son down Jay" I answered back.
"Tiff shoot me its me you want dead, shoot me and take Jay for yourself". Choice entered the conversation and her suggestion was an awesome idea.
"Excellent point Choicey. Of course you would rather die than Jay" I slowly shift the gun towards her and then Jay started to plea.  "Tiff please don't do this". I still aimed and fired.
Bulls eye!I hit her in her right in the chest and she fell to the ground blood gushing from her.
Jay ran towards her shouting her named and I aimed at him too but before I could fire I was hit with the golf club and knocked out cold. The last thing I heard before sleep took over was "Don't die Choice please don't die".Gosh I hated that name!!!!!!
© Nattania Higgins