

Deceitful Delilah (Chapter 2) Betrayal
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Finally they have broken up.
I never knew that Jay was such a catch I only introduced them because I thought he was a nobody but now they are happy and I want him for myself.
I mean Jay tried to talk to me for years but he was such a whore back then and I couldn't manage to have my heart broken.
I didn't know that under the uncaring personality was someone who just needed love.

I told Choice to avoid falling in love as he was an every girls man but he change his ways just for her.
I was envious of their love and I wanted what they have.
The perfect opportunity has presented itself.

I had a plan to part them for good, he is too  good for Choice she doesn't deserve him but I do.
I had watch them for two months waiting for a slip up so I could make my move and this was it.

To do all that I had to I needed my dad he had all the money and the power to get things done.
I know I would have to do something in return for him but I didn't care as long as I get Jay in the end.
I walked into my dad office rocking my hips and rolling my ass that's what he liked.
"Hey dad I know a friend of mine who is interested in going away for  two years for work could you help him with a work permit for Canada?  I asked in one of my most seductive  voice.
"Anything for my sweetheart" he answered back "I will a make a few calls".
"Thanks daddy' I said walking away and blowing him a kiss.

Choice phone was vibrating when I finally made it back  upstairs to my room.
How did I get choice phone? I stole it ofcourse.
I laughed devilishly at how smart I am.

Last night when she fell asleep, I knew Jay would call  after all he adores his precious Choice too much not to try to get back to her.

I picked up the phone."Hello"  I answered pretending like I was crying.
"Choice baby am sorry for breaking up with you please forgive me?"
"So you the reason my baby girl committed suicide am going to hunt you down  and kill you" I said sounding like Choice's mother .
"What do you mean suicide? Choice  can't be dead I love her" you could hear the hurt in his voice but I didn't care that I was hurting him soon he would be comforted by me.


Choice must be playing tricks with me how could she be dead.
She must be trying to get me to feel bad yes that was it.
Choice couldn't be dead
I would never forgive myself if it was true let me call Tiff.

"Hello" she picked up on the third ring and yes she sounded like she was crying.
"Tiff please tell me its not true"
"It's  true she is dead Jay and its all your  fault" she spat " Jay you killed my best friend"

It can't be somebody please tell me I am dreaming.
I went into my room and sat on  the edge of my bed
What am I to do now? The only  person that ever meant anything to me I have killed her by being selfish.
Choice baby how could you just leave me like this? What am I gonna do now? What if the police comes after me? I can't go to prison.
I mean I didn't kill her but she was sixteen and I am eighteen. Legally I am grown but she would still be a minor.
I immediately got up and started to pack some clothes in a travel bag. I had no idea where but I have to get away from here.

Ping ping

That was my phone I picked it up and saw an email on the screen it was from the  Canadian consulate...
It read

This is to inform you that you have been granted a two year work permit for Canada.....blah blah

I didn't need to read the rest I was taking the next flight to Canada.
I don't care if they send the email to the wrong person, I am going.
I can't stay here the police might arrest me for having a relationship with a minor,  her mom might kill me or I might just kill my self.....
I can't live without Choice
Even though I was only eighteen
They would still arrest me or maybe I don't know what to think..
I yelled at myself in the mirror. Choice baby am sorry!!!!!!


Time to set up the rest of my plan and ensure that I leave no trace behind.
I walked into daddy's office to  check up on his progress..
"Daddy did you do me that little favor?"

"Yes baby" he answered beaming with pride "An email was sent to his email address about a second ago"
"Thank you daddy.....I owe you one"
"Jayque Kennedy is his name right?" He asked.

"Yes dad but I forgot to tell you that...How did you know"?
"I know everything about you" he said knowingly.
Was that a warning? I didn't care.

I use my iPod to book me a flight under an alias so no one could trace me not even daddy...
I was leaving this country and I had no intention of coming back.

I pulled up to Choice's house half an hour later to tell her the news.
Before I exited the car I called the airport to ensure that Jay had took the bait.

"Hello goodevening this is the Donald Sanders International Airport" said the receptionist on the other end.

" Hi this is Senator Joliet Kennedy and I would like to know if Jayque Kennedy is on any of your flights for Toronto? "

There was stumbling and and then she answered " yes madam he is on flight 0006 schedule for take off in fifteen minutes. Is there any problem senator?
"No no problem " and I hunged up.

I search through my bag for my pepper spray and sprayed some in my eyes it burned like hell but I waited until my eyes began to get watery and red like I was crying before I rush out the car and into the house stumbling a few times.
I race walked to Choice's room and pushed open the door.

She was by the window obviously crying over her beloved Jay.
As  I entered she turned her head to look at me.
"Tiff I can't find my phone have you seen it?
"C haven't you heard?"
"Heard what?'
"There was an accident"
" Tiff please don't say it was Jay"
She said holding on to the window for support.
This was going to kill her but its the only way.
"He didn't make it C" I told her in fake hiccups and tears." He burned to ash"
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