

Nancy.. the girl with mysterious powers.
That was a rainy day. people around colony gathered in front of the park's family. there was a bad news for park family that the grandmother of Nancy died.....! Nancy was 3months old. she suddenly stopped crying and started smiling with her beautiful face after 3 months of her birth. people were shocked to see Nancy smiling on her grandmother death day!
people didn't knew about the powers of Nancy at that time! then time passed gradually...Nancy became 15years old. she was on her way to school on one fine day. Nancy was feeling something worse. she prayed to God and started to walk on street. on her way she encountered a man with gun in his pocket. The man was like "Today I'm gonna kill my brother for my property sake". Nancy heard his mind voice and she was surprised "what was that?". she ignored but her heart keep on saying to her "go and call police". she did as her heart instructed.
police came on time when the man was about to shoot. luckily no one got hurt by his cruel mindset. everyone was surprised that how Nancy knew about this?
still..... the powers and mystery behind Nancy is beyond their imagination..
-to be continued.