

for her
Don’t be surprised about how quickly you fall for her, and don’t be apprehensive about allowing yourself to fall. She won’t catch you, but rather take the plunge with you holding nothing back. Of the many people I’ve loved in my life, and the others I will love in the future, she set this template of how I defined love.

She values love in it’s entirety and believes in it fully. Even if you don’t, she’ll teach you too. She believes in fairytales and happily ever after. Make her your queen and your life will suddenly be made simple. She loves flowers, but doesn’t like red roses. But if she had a choice, she’d rather chocolate. She believes in chivalry and holding opening doors. While she will always offer to pay and even sometimes insist, don’t let her.

Spoil her. Because she’ll spoil you more.

Love her. Because she’ll love you deeper.

Give her your best. Because she will make you better.

She’ll make you the man you want to be. She’ll make you want to be someone worthy of standing next to her.

She doesn’t see her beauty. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stop reminding her of how beautiful you think she is. She’s constantly looking at others, and looking to see what she can do for them. She listens with a keen understanding, even to the things you aren’t saying. And even when you first met, she was probably taking mental notes of your favorite things, thinking about a birthday or holiday, even if it’s far away. She’ll out do you every time with gifts. She’ll surprise you with things, you’ll wonder why she’s doing this, and she’ll reply with a little smile, “just because I can.???

Some hearts like hers, are just programed to love.

She’s not afraid of saying things. She’s very blunt. That means she gonna catch you off guard a few times, just go with it. I’ll admit she’s a little weird. But a good kind of weird, that will make you laugh. Because she doesn’t even know she’s funny sometimes. She kind of lives in her own world sometimes, but if you are lucky she’ll let you be part of it. She’s fun. Like a child she has the ability to turn anything into a game or a competition, but she’s also, unbelievably competitive and doesn’t like losing.

Among the many other things you’ll come to love about her, is how goal oriented she is. She never stops. She constantly is going from one thing to the next, and somehow appeasing everyone, even if it’s at the cost of her well being. She’ll do anything for anyone and she never says no. Don’t take advantage of that. But sometimes even she needs someone to slow her down just to enjoy life a little. Enjoy the time with her when it is just you guys.

Fair warning she can’t cook and clean for shit. But that’s only a few of her flaws, if you consider that one. Also don’t introduce her to your mother, unless you are gonna keep her around. You’re mother will never forgive you, if you mess it up. Trust me.

As carefree and loving as she is, there are parts of her life that aren’t as perfect. In due time, she’ll tell you every secret. She’ll tell you exactly why she is the person she is. When she tells you her deepest secrets, I promise you’ll love her more. Hold her, and don’t let her go. Among the things I loved most about her, was her strength. She has the ability to get through some of the hardest things, life throws her way.

Even the foolish mistake of a former boyfriend, who dumped her. I won’t try to win her back. I’ll let you have her. But just know, the moment you mess up, someone will be there to pick up the pieces, of her broken heart.

Girls like her are unbelievably hard to find once in a lifetime, let alone twice.

Trust me when I say this, of greater regrets you have in life is letting her go.


The guy who f*cked up

P.s Don’t hurt her or be a dick or I’ll kick your ass.
@AbiGa6181 I am sorry. you know I suck at writing so I copied it ofoff internet. but this is how I feel . sorry