

A quick short story (:

A/N: I was randomly going through my stuff today, where I found this "Quick Story" in one of many books of mine. I hope y'all enjoy reading it :D

Two friends were enjoying their lunch time, when Muslimah's friend Said, "If you were in a relationship you would have understood how beautiful of a feeling it is, when someone cares for you more than themselves, when someone makes all the efforts just so they can make you feel special."

The Muslimah looked at the sky and smiled under her Niqab and said, "You know my Rab loves me even when I sin, HE cares for me even when I carelessly neglect prayers, HE never leaves me. In fact, HE gives me so many reasons to turn back to HIM, again and again.

No matter how many times I miss my Salah. HE, gives me chance to stand before HIM for the next one. And, HE forgives my sins just by one tear of regret. HE is so MERCIFUL, so FORGIVING.

Now, tell me my friend, will this special person take care of my Deen and Aakhirah ? Will that 'special' will forgive me for my mistakes ? Will that 'special' will be merciful towards me, if I fall in error ?"

Her friend was quitely and attentively listening. So, The Muslimah, took her hand in hers and continued, "No ! he won't ! And to answer your question about 'relationship'. Well, I am in relationship with my future spouse and yes, I already love him for the sake of Allah. I am just patiently waiting for the time when our Rabb will unite us together in HIS perfect time."

"My beloved friend, it's a humble request. Fall in love with the Creator, before falling in love with HIS creation."

© Heartthatspeaks🖤